12 ) First Date Delights

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Jiyong: I want you to wear this tonight and come with me on a date.
Siya : I'll wear it later; for now, let me get changed.
Jiyong: Alright, but it was my wish to see you in this.
Without hesitation, she agrees, "Okay, I'll wear it."
(As Siya goes upstairs and opens the dress, she sees a pretty red frock, identical to the one she gave Freen on their first date. Memories of that moment flash before her.)
( revisit a scene from five years ago)
( The scene where Siya wears a black dress, and they exchange rings.)
(Before this scene)
Siya : Freen, for our first date,
I've brought you this dress.
I want you to wear it, and then we'll go out.
Freen agrees, "Okay, I'll wear it."
(Freen looks stunning in the dress. Siya can't help but gaze at her, completely lost in the moment. Freen snaps her out of it.) Freen: Hey, where were you lost?
Siya : Somewhere I should have been lost, You look gorgeous in this dress.
(Freen takes Siya's hand and says,)
Freen: But for me, you're the most beautiful person in the world, Siya .
(She kisses Siya's hand, then Siya leans closer, grabbing Freen's waist and kisses her neck.
They kiss on the cheek, then on the lips, and the scene fades away.)
(Because now, Siya returns from her reverie to the present, removing her past from her thoughts. She goes to wear the dress.)
(Siya looks beautiful in the dress. When Jiyong sees her coming down, he can't help but admire her.)
Jiyong: You look stunning in this dress, "Siuu"
(Siya gives a fake smile and says thank you, then they both get into the car and head to dinner. The place is beautiful, with a romantic atmosphere, a swimming pool, and lights all around. Romantic music is playing, performed by some musicians there, clearly intended for couples. Jiyong takes Siya's hand, leading her to a table and chairs. He pulls her chair out for her, and then takes his seat.) Jiyong: How do you like this place?
Siya : The place is quite nice.
Jiyong: Romantic, isn't it?
Siya : Hmm, but why aren't there any other people here? I mean, other couples.
Jiyong: Well, today is our first date, so I've reserved this place just for us. And if you're with me, who knows how many places I'll reserve in your lo ft.
(Saying this, he starts to smile.)
Siya : (She also starts to smile.)
Jiyong: What would you like to eat and drink?
Siya : Anything is fine. I'm not very hungry, but I'd like to have a drink.
Jiyong: Alright, no problem. I'll order your favorite drink. I know what it is. I'll have the same tonight.
(Jiyong orders Siya's favorite drink.)
Jiyong: So, which country or place would you like to have your wedding in? I mean, what's your wedding plan or wish?
Siya : I don't have a particular wish for the wedding. I just want to have an Indian wedding. I've already informed Uncle about it. You can plan the rest however you like. After all, you've been waiting for our wedding for so long. Consider it a gift from me.
Jiyong: Thank you, Siya . You don't know how happy I am today. I've loved you since childhood, and today, finally, my dream has come true. I'm extremely happy that the queen of my dreams is with me . And the one whom everyone wants to have is now going to be mine only, and her hand is in mine.
(As Siya starts to feel uncomfortable hearing Jiyong's romantic words, she withdraws her hand and says,)
Siya : Jiyong, finish your drink.
Jiyong: Yeah, I'll finish it. I have another gift for you, though.
Siya : What other gift?
Jiyong: Close your eyes.
I'll show you.
Siya : But I don't want any other gift; this is enough, Jiyong.
Jiyong: Come on, " Siuu " , today is our first date, and you don't know how much I've anticipated this moment. Please don't refuse.
Siya: Okay, fine. (She closes her eyes, and Jiyong comes behind her, placing a necklace around her neck.)
Siya opens her eyes, touches the necklace, and looks at it closely. She then puts it on and sits back in her chair.
Jiyong: I bought this necklace for you a long time ago, but my wish was to put it around your neck with my own hands.

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