(18 ). A Deceptive Dance of Consequences"

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Next Morning 🌄
(a scene unfolds in the theater where all the students gather in their respective groups. **Freen:** (Addressing all students) Today, we will be selecting couples for the dance. If any of you are interested, you can sign up.
**Juhu:** What do you think, now?
**Siya ** I'm thinking about what to do next.
**Juhu:** We don't understand.
**Freen:** Students, there's also a special announcement. I hope you've all read the notice on the bulletin board.
**Students:** (Nodding in agreement)
**Freen:** Our college will not only have a couple dance but also a cultural dance performance this time. Those of you who are interested can participate in either field or showcase a cultural dance from any country.
**Siya's Group (Lion Group):** What do you think, Siya ?
**Siya :** Well, for couple dance, I won't be participating because I'm single, and if I don't, you won't either. As for the cultural dance, we have no interest, and we don't know how to do it. Right, guys?
**Juhu:** (With a hint of sadness) I want to do couple dance, this is my first relationship. (She holds King's hand.) I want to do couple dance with King.
**Maggie:** Yes, Siya , and I also want to do the couple dance.
*Siya :** (With no other response, she eventually agrees.) Alright, you can participate.
**Juhu and Maggie:** We're sorry, Siya , but if you had a boyfriend, you could participate in couple dance just like us. You shouldn't have broken up with Rom.
**Siya ** What he did to me, after that, you think I should forgive him? He cheated on me, shattered my trust. I even went against my uncle for him. I didn't even listen to his advice. Please, don't mention his name in front of me.
**Maggie:** We're your friends, Siya . We want what's best for you. You should have given him a chance. When he was with you, you were genuinely happy,Siya
**Siya :** (She leaves them by saying "excuse me, guys," and her eyes fill with tears as she goes.)
**King:** You hurt her feelings, Maggie, Juhu. Now is not the time to discuss who should or shouldn't break up. Go get her.
**Maggie and Juhu:** (They go to Siya, apologize, and try to cheer her up. They tell her they won't bring up Rom again and hug her, then leave with her to work on their idea to get back at freen for what she did to Siya )
Of course, here's the continuation of the conversation:
**Siya :** I have an idea. You want to do couple dance, right? Well, for now, I have a plan. Listen to this.
**Juhu:** (Curious) What's the plan?
**Siya :** I've thought that we could get Miss Freen's medical records from the office.
**King:** Medical records? Why?
**Siya :** Everyone has some allergy or medical condition. This way, we can find out about Miss Freen's horoscope. What I mean is, she might have allergies or some illness.
**Juhu:** What will we gain from that?
**Siya :** You're so dense... The benefit is that we'll know her weaknesses, and we can attract her attention using that.
**Kirk:** That's a good idea.
**Juhu:** Your first idea is already great, Siya
**Siya : ** (Smiles with an attitude) Well, I have another thought.
( As per the plan, Juhu goes to the office and pretends to have a severe headache.
**Principal Mam:** (Concerned) You should go to the medical room and get some medicine.
**Juhu:** (Acting) I don't remember which medicine I'm supposed to take. Could you please check my medical report?
Principal Mam instructs the staff to fetch Juhu's medical report, and they find medical records for both teachers and students neatly organized in the medical room. This is to ensure that if anyone has a medical condition or allergy, they can be treated appropriately, and allergens can be avoided.
**Juhu:** (To the staff) Oh, I have a terrible headache. Could you please fetch me some water?
The staff agrees and goes to get water. Seizing this opportunity, Juhu quickly reaches for the medical records of Miss Freen.
She finds Miss Freen's medical report, and as the staff returns with water, she places it back where it was. She acts as if she's in pain and hands over the medical report to the staff to check her medication.
**Staff:** (Looks at the report, then gives Juhu the prescribed medicine) Here, take this.
Juhu pretends to take the medicine and, thanking the staff, leaves the room.
She then hands over Miss Freen's medical report to Siya Upon examining the report, they discover that Miss Freen has a severe allergy to " chili " and " Milk " **Siya : ** (Excitedly) Alright, guys, it's time for the next step.
Now we need to swap her drink with a milk-based drink. Karak and King will handle this.
(They both agree.)
(Meanwhile, in the theater hall, all the students are busy preparing for their dances. Maggie, Karak, Juhu, and King are also rehearsing their couple's dance. In Juhu's bag, there is a bottle of milk, which is a crucial part of their plan)
**Juhu:** (Whispers to Maggie, Kark, and King) We need to find the perfect moment to swap Miss Freen's drink with the milk-based one. Keep an eye on her bag.
**Kark:** (Nods) Got it, Juhu.
**Maggie:** (Whispering) We have to be discreet, and the timing has to be right.
**King:** (Agrees) Let's wait for the right moment.
(They continue practicing their dance while keeping a close watch on Miss Freen's bag, waiting for an opportunity to execute the next step of their plan.)
Freen looks around where all the students are performing their couple dances, and she notices Siya sitting alone. She goes over to Siya
**Freen:** (Approaches Siya ) Hey, Siya , why are you sitting here alone? You can also participate in the couple's dance with the others.
**Siya : ** (Attitude-filled response) I have no interest in this nonsense couple dance.
**Freen:** (Sits next to Siya ) You don't have a partner? What about your other friends?
**Siya : ** (Responds with attitude) Why are you so interested in my personal life? What will you do with it?
**Freen:** Look, if you don't have a partner, you can dance with another student.
**Siya : ** (Attitude-filled) I already told you I have no interest in this nonsense couple dance.
**Freen:** Okay.....Are you from India?
**Siya :** Yes, I am. Are you trying to make a biodata of me?
**Freen:** (Smiles) No, I just wanted to say that Indian classical dance is quite impressive. If you know it, you should consider performing it for our college. It would be great.
**Siya :** Who told you I know classical dance?
**Freen:** No one. I was just asking.
**Siya : ** Look, I have no interest in any form of dance, including classical dance. For now, you can leave if you're done with your questions.
**(Freen leaves the spot.)**
**Freen:** (Leaves the area) This girl is quite rude. Well, never mind. (Freen feels thirsty.) Freen takes out her bottle, but they had already exchanged it with the milk bottle earlier.
She drinks from it, and it tastes strange. She checks it and realizes it's milk. She starts having an allergic reaction, with rashes breaking out on her skin. She passes out and falls to the ground.
**(Realizing that Freen is allergic to milk, the plan is successful.)**
Upon seeing Freen collapse, Send rushes to her side. All the students stop dancing as they notice the commotion.
The college team quickly takes Freen to the hospital, where she receives medical attention. She eventually recovers and explains that she had an allergic reaction to milk, a fact she hadn't disclosed to anyone in the college. However, she suspects that someone intentionally swapped her drink with a milk-based one.
Send believes that whoever did this won't escape punishment, as they will use the college's security cameras to identify the culprit.
After Freen's condition stabilizes, Send advises her to rest, and she follows his advice.
Meanwhile, the college receives a call regarding Freen's situation, and Principal Mam inquires about it. Send informs Principal Mam about the incident and suggests checking the security cameras.
Principal Mam initiates a review of the security footage and discovers that the Lion Group was behind the scheme. She calls them to her office.

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