(24 ). Rescue and Revelation

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King: Yeah, Siya , Juhu is right.
Siya : Fine, I won't argue with the owner. Oh, by the way, bring me an extra drink.
Freen: Alright.
(Freen brings Siya an extra drink.)
( Siya calls Freen over again and asks for another drink. Freen brings it. This repeats about
5 or 6 times as Siya keeps demanding more drinks and consuming them.)
King: Siya , it seems like you've had enough now. We should let you rest. Handling Juhu will be a challenge for me, and she tends to get sick from drinking too much.
Juhu: (Inebriated) No, I want more, King.
Siya : Yes, I want to drink to my heart's content.
Kark: Why? Isn't your uncle here?
Siya : No.
King: That's why you're drinking so much... We're leaving, Siya . I have to take Juhu home, and kark needs to attend to Maggie. Join us when you're ready.
Maggie: No, we want to have more drinks.
(They leave with their respective girlfriends. Siya feels bad that she's now alone, but she doesn't want to dwell on it. She calls Freen again and asks for another drink. Freen advises her not to drink too much, but Siya insists.)
Siya: Who are you to tell me how much I should drink and how much I shouldn't? Your job is to serve drinks. You do that, or else I'll talk to the owner.
Freen: Whether you complain to the owner or not doesn't matter to me, but drinking this much is not good for your health.
(Siya yells at Freen, which attracts the owner's attention, and he comes over.)
Owner: Freen, if you continue like this, refusing to serve drinks to our customers, it's disrespectful to them. Who will come here? Besides, as much as they drink, it's profitable for our restaurant. And do you even know who they are? They are the owner of Thailand's largest company.
If you upset such a customer, you'll have to quit your job. Do you understand?
Freen: But sir, it's not good for their health.
Owner: Who are you to decide what's good or not good for their health? Are you receiving their money or are you here to work?
Freen: I'm here to work.
Owner: Then... I don't want any complaints from you in the future, Freen.
Freen: Alright, sir, I'm sorry.
Owner: Fine, you can go.
( Siya notices that someone has placed a hand on her shoulder. When she turns around to see who touched her shoulder, she is surprised.)
Siya: (surprised, she exclaims) You? (and forcefully pushes the hand away.)
( "Rom" ,Siya's ex-boyfriend, comes to meet her ) Siya : What are you doing here?
Rom : I've come to apologize to you.
Forgive me for that day.
She is already inebriated, and he attempts to talk to her, but she doesn't want to.
Siya : I don't want to talk to you. I saved you by telling my uncle; otherwise, for what you did, anyone else would have ruined your life.
And move away from me.
Do you understand? Otherwise, I will make sure my uncle does something to you that you could never have imagined in your life.
She walks away, but Rom grabs her hand.
She slaps him and warns him not to try to touch her again.
Siya : You don't know me. Before attempting to touch me again, think hundred times. It would be better if you left me alone. Understand? Otherwise, I will make sure my uncle does something to you that you could never have imagined in your life.
And she walks away, opening the car door.
Rom approaches her again and forcibly pulls her towards him.
Rom: Do you think so highly of yourself? How can you just abandon me like this?
Siya : I already left you that day when I saw you with that girl on the bed.
And you say that I won't leave you? I won't even look at you if you were to deceive me with someone else.
I chose you below my standards, and after my uncle strongly opposed it, I fell in love with you. I'm still paying the price for that mistake today.
Rom: You're so arrogant because of your wealth. Today, I'll strip you of all that arrogance. Today, I'll make you suffer in such a way that not even a dog will recognize you. I won't let you leave my life so easily.
Siya tries to slap him again, but he grabs her hand this time and attempts to force himself on her.
She kicks him, causing him to fall. He gets up and violently hits her head against the car, causing her head to bleed profusely. She falls to the ground, and he attempts to assault her again. She is almost unconscious, aware of what is happening to her but lacking the ability to save herself.
Tears stream from her eyes as Rom continues his assault.

Rom: Scream as much as you want. You have plenty of money and servants, right? Call your bodyguard, call your uncle.
He laughs.
Rom: Today, no one will come to save you.
Siya is in a lot of pain, unable to protect herself. She tries to scream, but he muffles her.
Now " Freen's off from her job , as she exits the restaurant, waiting for a taxi. It's getting a bit late, so the taxi is taking some time. She tries to call her mother to let her know that she might be a little late due to the taxi delay. Suddenly, she hears a scream.
She hangs up her call and looks around, but now she can't hear that scream anymore. She thinks it might have been her imagination, but then she decides that she should check once to be sure. She walks towards where she heard the scream, near Siya's car.
Freen: Is anyone there? I said, is anyone there?
Rom, upon hearing Freen's voice, forcibly covers Siya's mouth.
Freen: Maybe it was just my imagination; no one is here.
Freen starts to leave, but she realizes that the car belongs to Siya . She wonders why Siya's car is here if she hasn't gone yet. She can't understand what has happened; her attention turns to the broken window and blood on the car. However, she hasn't yet seen Rom on the other side of the car, holding Siya's mouth tightly shut.
Freen is getting worried about Siya's situation. She keeps shouting Siya's name, but she doesn't get any response.
Siya has heard Freen's voice, but Rom has covered her mouth, and she is unable to even attempt to speak.
Freen thought that Siya might not be there, but she was concerned about why Siya's car was at that location and what had happened to the car's window, which was shattered and covered in blood. She didn't have the phone numbers of Siya's friends or family to call and check if Siya had made it home or not. Reluctantly, she decided to leave.
Siya's phone had fallen to the ground during Rom's attack. However, Rom didn't notice it. Meanwhile, Siya's uncle tried calling her. Siya's phone rang, and upon hearing it, Freen turned back and followed the sound of the ringing phone. Rom, alerted by the sound, took out his gun.
As she approached the other side of the car, she saw a young man attempting to assault
Siya, who was badly injured. Rom sees Freen and points his gun at her
Freen raised her hands , Rom telling her to leave, or he would shoot. Rom tries to pick up Siya and put her in the car .Freen saw a stick nearby, used her purse to knock Rom's gun away, and then gave him a beating with the gun. Terrified, he ran away, leaving Siya behind.
Freen rushed to Siya, who was bleeding from her head and had torn clothes. Freen helped clean Siya up and then drove her to the hospital. They arrived at the hospital, where Siya was admitted.
In the hospital, Siya was taken to the operating theater. She was still bleeding from her head wound, and the bleeding wouldn't stop.
Freen called her mother to explain the situation. Her mother told her not to come home tonight, as she was doing something important.
When the doctors asked Freen about the incident, it appeared to be a police case. Freen told the doctor everything, including that she worked with Siya and that Siya's family belonged to the "Singhania Group of Companies".
The doctor confirmed that she was "Siya Singhania". However, he advised against informing the police without the Singhania family's permission.
Freen didn't have the Singhania family's contact
The doctor said they needed to arrange for blood from outside, as all the blood banks were closed at that hour. Freen mentioned her blood type, which was also A-positive, and volunteered to donate. She did so, and then she went outside to rest.
After a while, the doctor returned and informed Freen that Siya was now stable and would regain consciousness by morning. She needed rest. The doctor had also informed Siya's family.
Freen thanked the doctor and asked if she could see Siya.
The doctor agreed, and that's where the story continues.

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