33). A Clash of Values

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Miss Daral gets very angry with Siya and says, "Siya, what nonsense are you talking? Will you undermine the value of someone's love and care like this? You should respect Freen. She saved your life, not to demand payment for her services, but because she genuinely cared for you. I don't want you to keep thinking that you owe someone gratitude just because they saved your life.
Siya , in front of Miss Daral, boldly says, "Miss Daral, you have no right to interfere in my relationship with Freen. I don't want to keep thinking that I owe someone respect just because they saved my life. I don't take anyone's gift quickly, and when the burden of that gift becomes too heavy for me, how can I carry the burden of someone's favor? Tell me, Mam, what price do you attach to your service, Upon hearing all this, tears well up in Freen's eyes. Before Miss Daral can speak again, Siya , preempting her, tells Miss Daral that she should leave. Despite Miss Daral's reluctance, she eventually departs. Freen then stands up from her chair, holding Siya's check in her hand, and says:
Freen : I value your life more than anything - your lavish home, all your companies in
Bangkok and India, and your entire bank balance. Can you give me all of this?"
(After hearing Freen's question, Siya remains silent.)
Freen continues, "Why are you silent? You can't give me all this, can you? I didn't save your life because I wanted something from you. I saved your life because it was the right thing to do. And at that time, you really needed help. If someone else were in your place, even a beggar, I would have done the same. We don't judge people based on their bank balance. I've always wondered why God made me so poor, so helpless, and so unlucky. But today, I want to thank that same God because I don't want to be like rich people like you. If rich people are like this, I never want to become rich. I want to stay as I am, so that I can respect people for who they are and understand the value of relationships."
"I used to think that your nature was because of your past, and with time and love, you would change. But I was wrong. A girl like you can never change. You can never respect anyone, and you can never understand the true meaning of relationships. My sadness is for your uncle and Miss Daral, who hope that one day their daughter will change completely. But sadly, that day will never come. Anyway, I'm leaving now. Here's your check. Take care."
( With these words, Freen begins to leave the place. Siya , however, remains rooted to her spot, as if turned into a stone statue, her eyes filled with tears. Miss Daral follow Freen to her house, and Freen reaches the gate of Siya's home. Miss Daral stops her.)
Miss Daral: My apologies, dear. Siya is still naive and young. She doesn't know what to say. Please don't take her words to heart.
(Freen wipes her tears, smiles, and says:
Freen: There's no need to apologize, Miss Daral.
I'm not upset with you. I'm just sorry that even after all your efforts, you can't change her.
Please forgive me,
Miss Daral; I couldn't change Siya .
(We are shown a scene from that day when Siya was in the hospital, and Freen had come to visit her. However, Siya was resting at that time, so she sat down to talk with Miss Daral. That's when Miss Daral shared Siya's past with Freen, and upon hearing it, Freen felt deeply saddened. She promised Miss Daral that she would try her best to change Siya, and Miss Daral thanked her. Now, we return to the scene outside Siya's house.)
Miss Daral: What's your fault in all of this, for which you're asking forgiveness?
Freen: (She takes out a box from her bag, which she had prepared for Siya) Well, I made this for Siya, but I couldn't give it to her. So, please give it to Siya , but don't tell her that I made it for her. Otherwise, she might think I'm pretending to care. Anyway, I should go now.
Miss Daral: (Miss Daral hugs Freen) You're a very kind soul, my dear. May God bless you with a daughter like you.
Freen:(with smile ) Alright, Miss Daral. I'm leaving now.
Miss Daral: Take care, dear.
(Freen leaves from there, and Miss Daral goes inside. Siya is sitting in a chair, and Freen's words keep running through her mind. She's feeling very angry because Freen spoke to her in a way that no one ever had before. Miss Daral approaches Siya , and she hands Siya the box that Freen had brought for her. Miss Daral says, "Today, for the first time, I feel ashamed of how I've raised you. I'll pray to God to give me a daughter like Freen in my next life, or else, don't give me one."
( Siya is deeply hurt by Miss Daral's words because she considers Miss Daral like her mother, and she's never heard her speak like this before. Tears well up in Siya's eyes.)
Miss Daral: And as for what's in your hand, that was made by Freen for you. She may not be as wealthy as you, but she knows how to welcome and respect people. She didn't even boast about making it for you. You should be ashamed of yourself for insulting her, especially when nowadays, hardly anyone does anything for others without some selfish motive. Even your friends are here with you because of some hidden agenda, but Freen was with you without any ulterior motives.
When I told Freen about your past, she said that she will try her best to change you without any greed.she never thought about what she would gain from it. It pained her and everyone else to see but you can't understand that )
Saying this, Miss Daral leaves from there. In Siya's hand, there's a box of gifts from Freen. She looks at it, tears welling up in her eyes, and she doesn't mention your name. She goes to her room, but the thoughts of Freen and Miss Daral keep haunting her mind. It's as if their words have deeply affected Siya, and her mind feels overwhelmed. She angrily throws an object on the floor in her room, closes her eyes with her hands, and starts crying. After crying for a while, she looks at a picture of her mother and says,
Siya : "Mom, I've become such a bad person. I didn't know I would turn so terrible that everyone would hate me. I'm not a good person, Mom like you ,I can never be like you mom Please forgive me."
(She continues crying in front of her mother's picture.)
(Night, 9:00 pm)
(Miss Daral feels remorseful for scolding Siya in anger earlier. She thinks about apologizing to Siya and asks a servant if Siya has come down for dinner. The servant informs her that Siya hasn't come down. Miss Daral decides to go upstairs to Siya's room. She finds Siya holding her mother's picture while sleeping. Miss Daral sits next to her, gently touches her head, and Siya wakes up, surprised to see her. She says,)
Miss Daral: "Please forgive me, my dear. I scolded you so harshly today out of anger. I hurt you so much, and it's my fault."
Siya : "It's not like that, Miss Daral. I don't have any complaints against you, and who said I cried? I didn't cry at all."
(Miss Daral looks at Siya's face, which is swollen from crying. She tells her,)
Miss Daral: "Your eyes are telling a different story, my child. You can't hide it from me. I said so many things in anger today, but do you know how special you are to me? How can a mother be angry with her daughter like that?"
Siya : "I know I've hurt you a lot, Miss Daral. I'm not a good person, I'm not a good daughter, and you don't like me."
Miss Daral: "Who said you're not a good person or a good daughter? You're a wonderful person. A person who can sit alone, reflect on everything, and cry in front of her mother's picture after hearing all that must be a truly good person. I love you so much."
(Tears fill Siya's eyes, and Miss Daral wipes her tears. Siya lays her head on Miss Daral's lap and says,)
Siya : "Today, I was really missing Mom, Miss Daral."
Miss Daral: "I know it's all because of me, but I promise, my dear, I will never scold you like that again, and I won't hurt you."
(Saying this, Miss Daral kisses Siya on the forehead.)
Miss Daral: "Come on, my dear, you haven't had dinner yet, and you need to take your medicine too."
Siya : "No, Miss Daral, I'm not hungry."
Miss Daral: "No, you must be hungry. I know it. I won't eat either if you don't."
(Upon hearing Miss Daral's words, Siya gets up from her lap and says,)
Siya : "Okay, I'll go have dinner."
Miss Daral: "That's right, my child. I'll go downstairs, and you join me for dinner."
(Miss Daral leaves Siya's room, and Siya goes to the bathroom to freshen up. She washes her face and hands and then takes Freen's gift box with her. Siya sits at the dining table, and Miss Daral joins her. When Miss Daral sees the gift box in Siya's hand, she feels happy that Siya is showing respect for Freen's gift. Miss Daral doesn't ask any questions about it. Roshni calls a servant and asks them to warm up whatever is inside the box and bring it to her. The servant does so, and Siya starts eating. She enjoys the meal, and Miss Daral suggests she should have some other dishes as well since everything today is made according to her preference. However, Siya politely declines and says she's satisfied with what Freen brought for her. Miss Daral doesn't insist, and they both finish their meals. Afterward, Siya asks the servant to clean the Freen's box and keep it in her room. The servant agrees, and Siya goes back to her room to rest. She continues thinking about the freen item from Freen and eventually falls asleep.)
(Next Day)
(Singhania University, Bangkok)
(10:00 am)
(Send asks Freen why she seems a bit down today. Freen replies that there's nothing wrong and that she's perfectly fine. Send doesn't press her with more questions, as they both focus their attention on the students.)
Send says to Freen , "It's been quite a while since Siya , the leader of lion's group, hasn't shown up for college. What could be going on?" But freen doesn't pays much attention to Send's words, and she focus on her students play practice.
When two students are practicing their play, Freen gets very angry every time they make a mistake. At one point, she becomes so angry that she almost raises her hand towards a student. However, she stops herself. Freen feels uncomfortable here because all the students are watching her closely. She apologizes to the student she was about to scold and then leaves the theater. Send observes all of this, and he begins to suspect that something
is wrong. Otherwise, Freen is usually very calm and would never get angry like this. So, Send tells the students to continue their practice; he will be right back. After saying this, Send leaves.
(Seeing all this, Siya's group is quite surprised.)
Maggie: "I can't believe this is the same Freen. She got angry too."
Juhu: "That's exactly what I was thinking. Freen getting angry? Unbelievable! Anyway, whatever it is, let's focus on our practice."
(And Juhu, along with King and Maggie, starts rehearsing their couple's dance.)

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