Chapter 8-(My Birthday)-(11/23)

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I woke up to my family singing my favorite song, Happy birthday.  It was my 16th birthday, the day I had longed for so much.  After they had sung, we went to the kitchen and they had made a pancake cake.  My favorite breakfast, it was quite late so it was a brunch instead.

M: "Jones will be here soon so go change if you want".  I went back to my room and changed into my black yoga pants and a blue hoodie.  Just then the door rang, I ran to the door and opened it.  Everyone said Congratulations in the choir,

N: "Hi, how are you?"

J: "It's good how are you"

N: "That's great thank you, welcome in".  I hugged everyone tightly, everyone handed out a present and I received everyone happily.  We sat down at the dining table and everyone took their turn, while I was eating I would open the presents from John and Mary but not Owen and Williams.  I got a blush and a nice white party top that was a little open in the front and back, which you had to tie at the back of the neck.  It was so nice,

N: "Thank you so much, I love it".  I continued to open my presents from mom and dad but also from Aria.  From them I also got makeup, clothes, jewelry and some Declarations.  We all ate and I went into my room and put on my white shirt that I got from the Jones family.  Then I put on a glittery skirt which was so nice, Owen and William came with me to the room and watched while I curled my hair and put on some make up with some of the new things I had got.  After that I put on a pair of white heels that Aria had given me because I always snitched on her.  After that we went out to the car and we went in our car while the Jones family went in their car.  We went to town, we were going to see the cinema.

When we arrived we went in and bought snacks, I bought red straps while the others bought popcorn and Sour patch kids.  We paid and blipped our tickets, we went towards our cinema hall we were supposed to be in. During the movie we ate the snack we had bought, during the movie me and William held hands.  When the movie was over, we went to an Italian restaurant that had really good pizzas.  From the cinema to the restaurant it took about ten minutes, we jumped into our cars and drove towards the restaurant. 

We arrived and parked our cars, we jumped out of the cars and went towards the restaurant.  We sat down at a long table and everyone ordered different things, I had a margarita.  During the restaurant visit we talked and laughed a lot.  I love being with the Jones family, it's like our families are meant for each other.  After we all ate we went home, when we got to our house we went inside and me, Owen and William went into my room.  They gave me their presents that they had been waiting for all day.  I opened Oweb's first fat was a bracelet with lots of nice different nice charms, there were little hearts, stars, pearls, starfish.

N: "Wow that's nice, I love it"

O: "How fun"

N: "Thank you so much" I said and hugged him.

W: "Ok now it's my package".  He gave me his package which had pink wrapping paper, inside was a box.  I opened the box and it was a necklace, or it was a necklace attached to another necklace.  One alsband had a small heart on it and the other had small stones on it,

N: "Wow that's nice, thank you so much" I said and we hugged.  It was quite late and Mary came into my room,

M:"Unfortunately we have to go now"

N: "Thanks for everything I've got it's really nice stuff. Everyone started to go to the door but William stayed behind,

N: "Can you help me put on my necklace"

W: "Yes of course".  He put it on and I checked myself in the mirror and it was so nice.  We said goodbye to Jones and they went home, I brushed my teeth and washed off my makeup.  Then I went and changed into my black nightgown, I jumped into bed and fell asleep with a bum

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