Conflicting Feelings

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Yukikos POV

Monday 5th, 2012

It was study period. Me, Rise, and Makoto took a table in the back of the library like always and started working on missing assignments and study guides for upcoming tests...that's what I wish had happened. Instead, they bombarded me with multiple questions about what happened on Friday.

"So~ What other than practice happened?" Makoto asked, leaning close to me raising her eyebrows. "Did you have "conflicting" feelings?" Rise asked nugging my arm "oh my god, you two are such children, nothing happened it was just setting and spikes" I said. I heard a disappointed groan from Makoto, " such a missed opportunity, you didn't advance or anything?" she asked "advance? Who do you think you're talking to? Yukiko doesn't do stuff like that" Rise said, chuckling "real funny, we talked about personal stuff, that's the best I have for you" I said. "Personal stuff?" Rise asked, "What personal stuff?" Makoto added "I kind of told him what orchids mean to me" I said. I glanced upward and saw two shocked expressions, "are you serious? What did he say?" Makoto asked "he was really understanding about it, he was honored that I trusted him and told me that he wants to start a friendship with me" I said.

A smile crept onto my face thinking about that moment, "awwwww, look at your cheesy smile! You so like him" Maktoto squealed loudly, resulting in a harsh SHH from our librarian. "Sorry ma'am, will you please remember where we are" Rise said "sorry...but you can't deny it" she said "so you guys are friends, is it gonna grow?" Makoto continued "I don't know, maybe, I'm not gonna rush this alright? I've rushed in the past and it resulted in chaos, so I'm going where the wind takes me" I said "we're gonna continue our practices every weekend, side note, something that I noticed...he's left handed" I said. It's something I noticed right away but never mentioned, I never thought I would meet another person who serves and spikes with their left hand. I'm ambidextrous so meeting someone with the same struggles and skill was heartwarming. "No way! You guys are perfect for each other!" Makoto's voice traveled through the whole library causing another harsh SHH from our librarian. "Ladies, one more time and you rearrange the shelves" she glared at us "s-sorry miss" Makoto apologized. "Let me do the talking from now on" Rise said, she turned to face me in her seat.

"So, you're obviously comfortable with him if you told him your life story and you have similarities. Plus, he was the one who offered to be friends in the first place which means initiative ...I think you're set" she said "I guess, I just don't know if he wants to be friends because he has an interest in me or he's just a fan and wants help on the sport" I said. That was the main thing I was scared of; I'm trying not to catch feelings for him in case I'm just being delusional. The only reason why he approached me in the first place was because he admired my skills and wanted to be better himself.

He doesn't desire a romantic relationship.

He's a very difficult person to read, he doesn't show his emotions physically but his actions show that he's a kind person and that's really what got me thinking of him as a potential romantic partner. "I will say that his spikes are very impressive, I can see why his team is one of the best in Japan, they're precise and rough" I said, Makoto and Rise looked at each other smirking "rough huh~" Rise said, I froze and sighed "powerful, I meant powerful" I said trying to regain my dignity from my slip up. "Yukiko, don't think we didn't forget what you're into. We've seen the guy and he's totally your type. He's tall, athletic, muscular; I think you lied to us when you said you didn't have any conflicting feelings" Makoto said.

"Give it a rest with the damn conflicted feelings! And I don't have a type, it's not my fault that he has a great body!" I yelled at both of them "GIRLS!" our librarian slammed her ruler on her desk causing a loud wacking sound causing all three of us to flinch. The death stare she gave us was all the information we needed to know that we were staying late after school...fantastic.

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