The Incident (Yukiko)

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Warning: Eating Disorder/Anorexia

Yukikos POV

Wednesday 21, 2012

When I found out about our game against Seijoh I was anticipating it like no other game. Not just because we were going up against a team so big that they had been featured on volleyball weekly multiple times but because I would be seeing Oikawa again. We started talking regularly on the phone and the guy was everything I could ever dream of. Charming, kind, funny, handsome. I was living in one of my fantasies and I never wanted to leave. It is a shame that I need to beat him and his team though, a real shame.

The arrangements that were made had the game scheduled at our school, coach had us clean the court and fix any equipment before the guys got here. I was responsible for making sure the dressing rooms were the best they could be. With the amount of money my school has, they are able to give their students the best facilities they could with some extra yen to make it look fancy. The dressing rooms had multiple showers with glass sliding doors and eucalyptus plants for relaxation. Our lockers were spacious and each had their own digital coded lock. I cleaned it from head to toe and labeled each shower and locker with the players names.

I took this opportunity to leave Oikawa a little reminder of me. With the eucalyptus plant in his shower, I put a large pink Sakura with it and a box of chocolates in his locker with a note from me and a good luck charm. I made sure that it wasn't too over the top but still able to show some affection. I was working on folding the towels when I got a text message, I opened my phone and saw that he texted me. The towels were the least of my concerns at that moment.

Tooru: "Hey you~ why didn't you tell me you were a vice captain?"

Yukiko: "I didn't think it was important lol, are you here?"

Tooru: "we're 20 minutes away, can't wait to see you again~"

Yukiko: "I left you some gifts in the dressing room, are you ready to get your ass handed to you?"

Tooru: "You left me gifts? And is that a challenge?"

Yukiko: "Sure is, I'm not just a pretty face you know"

Oikawa: "Oh I know that very well~"

I smiled at my phone as my cheeks heated up at our conversation. I let out a loving sigh, "he's perfect" I said to myself "Cinderella~ It's almost time~". I yelped at the sudden voice and looked behind me, seeing Rise, "You scared me!" I said "you were in la la land again, coach wanted me to find you, she wants to start warm ups before the guys get here" she said "give me a minute, I have to finish these towels...I was busy" I said. "Right busy, are you and that captain even a thing?" She asked "we're not official, but I think that he might ask me out soon" I said, folding the last towel "what about Ushijima?" She asked. I looked at her, "Ushijima?" I asked "I thought you would've ended up with him, I don't know this Oikawa guy but he seems like a playboy" she said. I furrowed my brows, "you don't even know him, don't assume things about him. And me and Ushijima are friends, he doesn't like me like that" I said "I'm just saying, I've read up on him on volleyball weekly and he has a bunch of fan girls. I don't think he's the best option for you" she said "so what if he does? I'm the one going out with him and why should I even listen to you? When was the last time you ever loved someone? You don't know what it's like Rise" I said crossing my arms.

"I do know what it's like! What are you saying, that I'm heartless or something?" She asked "knowing you can't even interact with people outside of school and guys only liking you because of your face, maybe I am" I said. She gave me a hurt expression then it developed into a laugh, "If I'm just a pretty face then what are you? I'm only giving you advice for your own good knowing that your track recorder for guys has been douchebags who wanted nothing from you but your money! Stay in la la land for all I care" she stormed out the dressing room leaving me shocked and hurt. It dawned on me what I said to her, I called my best friend heartless and used her social anxiety against her. I never thought I would say something so cruel but Rise shouldn't be judging people she barely knows, and Oikawa isn't that type of boy to be running around with other girls or use me for my money...right?

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