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Jeon Jungkook Age :- 26Playboy, Notorious, Alcoholic & Dominant personality

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Jeon Jungkook
Age :- 26
Playboy, Notorious, Alcoholic & Dominant personality

Jeon NaeunAge :- 18Jungkook's forced wifeHave stuttering disorder Beautiful, innocent, naive, shy & introvert personality

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Jeon Naeun
Age :- 18
Jungkook's forced wife
Have stuttering disorder
Beautiful, innocent, naive, shy & introvert personality

Jeon NaeunAge :- 18Jungkook's forced wifeHave stuttering disorder Beautiful, innocent, naive, shy & introvert personality

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Kim Taehyung
Age :- 28
Self disciplined, Kind, Level headed & Mature personality
Vice Chairman of the Jeon Corps.
Adopted son of Mr. & Mrs. Jeon

Kim SoominAge :- 25Kim Taehyung's WifeFriendly, sweet, savage & kind nature Fashion Designer by profession

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Kim Soomin
Age :- 25
Kim Taehyung's Wife
Friendly, sweet, savage & kind nature
Fashion Designer by profession

Kim SoominAge :- 25Kim Taehyung's WifeFriendly, sweet, savage & kind nature Fashion Designer by profession

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Mr. Jeon Junghyun
Age :- 60
Father of Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung
Chairman of the Jeon Corps.
Intellectual, prudent, strict & a wise man

 Intellectual, prudent, strict & a wise man

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Mrs. Jeon Jangmi
Age :- 54
Mother of Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung
Sweet, Empathic, amiable & Kind hearted personality

( Other characters would be introduced further in the story)

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