Chapter - 13

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‼️𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 150+ 𝙫𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨‼️

Writer's pov :-

Naeun was changing the pillow covers of her husband's bed.
She was a little bit sad cuz her husband is going on a business trip that too for 1 month, no matter how many times he teases or scares her but that doesn't change the fact he's her husband and she loves him.

After changing the covers she was making the bed when she heard a thud sound.
Her eyes diverted towards their room's door and there she saw her husband locking the door.
He strolled towards her while she moved backward. She noticed he was drunk & his eyes were filled with lust.
He suddenly pulled her closer to himself.

" Come here wifey let me fvck you tonight "
Jungkook whispered in his raspy voice while caressing her cheeks.

" D-Dangshin l-leave're d-drunk "
Naeun stammered and put her small palms on his hard chest to push him but he didn't budge even a bit.

" Pushing your husband huh! You're being a bad girl wifey and you know what bad girls deserves.....punishment "
Jungkook mischievously muttered the lifted her up on his shoulder.
She threw her legs in air making him spank her ass. He flunged her on the bed.
He discarded his expensive black leather jacket from his body.
She was crawling back but he was quick enough to pull her leg and again made her lay down.

" Now you're making me angry wifey "
Jungkook whispered then brushed his lips on her ear. He trailed his lips from her ears to her lips making her nervous.
He started moving his lips violently on her then after a while he pushed his tongue inside her mouth making her taste the bitter tang of alcohol.
He broke the kiss and looked at her.

" Move your lips on mine like I'm moving okay...I want you to kiss me back "
Jungkook instructed her sternly then again captured her lips but 10 seconds passed but still she didn't responded so he squeezed her delicate bosoms harshly.
She slowly started moving her plump lips on him making his heartbeat accelerate.
After sharing a passionate kiss with his wife he pulled out. Both of their lips were covered with each other's saliva.

" Hmm seems like my little wifey is a very good student...I'm gonna teach you more things in future okayyy "
Jungkook said looking at her sinless orbs.

" You did a great job wifey...but still punishment is must!! "
Jungkook added & his hands hastily traveled inside her nightgown.

but still punishment is must!! " Jungkook added & his hands hastily traveled inside her nightgown

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(naeun's nightgown u can imagine by yourself if u don't like)

" Dan..gshin wh-what a-are you "
Naeun apprehensively whispered slowly making jungkook chuckle.

" Doing something which should have been done before "
Jungkook answered & in swift of motion he removed her panty off her body which caught her off guard.
Without giving her a chance to speak he shoved his middle finger inside her warm tight hole making her moan loudly.

" AHHHHHhhhhhh "
She groaned in pain when he shoved another finger inside her vagina.

" Fvck're so tight "
He started moving his fingers up & down.
She was knocked for a loop by his sudden actions. Tears started flowing from her beautiful eyes.

" Arghhh it's "
Naeun whimpered in pain while clenching the bedsheet.

" Tsk Tsk how will you take my massive d1ck wifey when you can't even take my fingers "
Jungkook said and increased the pace of his fingers.
He couldn't see her vagina as it was covered with her long nightgown only his fingers were inside.
Her soft moans, whimpers & groans were giving him an unknown satisfaction.
Soon she felt a knot forming inside her.

" Ahhh d-dan..gshin l-leave m-me...eeekk! I wanna p-pee urghhh "
She yelped in pain and tried to push his hands away. He smirked knowing his wife is going to cum.

" No wifey you're going to cum...let it out...coat my fingers with your liquid baby "
Jungkook whispered in her ear while she shook her head in denial.

" Don't be impulsive wifey...listen to your husband's orders like an obedient wife "
Jungkook said in hushed tone and out of nowhere pushed one more finger inside her warm tight hole then he started moving his 3 fingers in a faster pace.

" Ahhhh....dangsh........sssssh "
And with the last loud moan she cum on her husband's fingers.
The girl who never even touch herself in her life got her life's first orgasm by her husband.

Jungkook took out his fingers out of her then lick his fingers which was covered with her liquid.
Naeun made a weird face.

" D-Dangshin it's d-dirty eww d-don't lick it "
Naeun spoke with disgust making jungkook chuckle.

" It's not dirty wifey it's so tasty umm I wanna have some more "
Saying this shamelessly he again trailed his fingers inside her nightgown and afix her rest of the juices on his finger then again lick his finger as if it was his favorite meal.

" You did a good job wifey...let's sleep now "
He said & plopped beside her while cuddling with her.

" Dan..gshin m-my und-"
She couldn't speak the whole sentence because of shyness but he understood what she wants to say.

" No need to wear that! "
Jungkook sternly said looking at her.

" But-"
She zipped her mouth when he shot her a scary glare. She gulped.

" Sleep! If you don't want me to do those things again"
Jungkook said in his hoarse voice making her shook her head vigorously. She instantly closed her eyes and within a few seconds she fall asleep.
Jungkook's lips curved into a smile hearing her soft snores.

" I'm gonna miss you there wifey "
He whispered tucking her hair on the back of her ear then pecked her glossy lips.

-to be continued

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( Ignore my spelling & grammatical errors 😩)

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