Chapter - 1

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Author's pov :-

" Naeun you didn't sleep yet my child "
Mrs. Jeon asked the little girl who was sitting on the dining table with the served food.

" No..Eomeoni...d-dangshin hasn't came yet, I-I'm waiting for him "
Naeun exclaimed in a very soft tone making Mrs. Jeon sigh.
She knows her son & his ill habits very well he must be in a club by now. Partying, drinking, hanging out with bar girls are his hobbies.

Naeun & Jungkook got married 2 weeks ago along with Taehyung & Soomin.
Taehyung and Soomin was in love marriage Whereas the other couple was arrange marriage or we can say forced marriage from jungkook's side cuz jungkook never wanted a girl like Naeun to be his wife he always wanted a Well educated, Bold, ambitious & a tip-top model to be his wife.
On the contrary Naeun is an innocent, shy & timid Village girl who's only proficient in doing household chores & even her education is basic.

Yall must be wondering how did they got married right?
Well Naeun was the daughter of Mr. Jeon's childhood bestfriend, he always wanted to transform their friendship into relationship.
Mr. Jeon wanted his eldest adopted son taehyung to marry naeun but taehyung was already committed to someone that time.
Naeun's lost her only parent, her father 1 month ago as he was a cancer patient.
So Mr. Jeon reluctantly arranged her marriage with his younger spoiled son jeon jungkook.
Jungkook still hasn't accepted her as his wife but she being obedient performs her every wife's duty.

" You shouldn't wait for him my child, he'll be late ig you should have your dinner then go to sleep, everyone had fallen asleep "
Mrs. Jeon softly exclaimed placing her left hand on naeun's left shoulder.

" But Eomeoni I -"
Naeun paused when she heard the door bell ringing sound.

" I think it's....dangshin "
She said to Mrs. Jeon & literally ran towards the door to open it.
When she open the door a strong smell of alcohol hit her nostril, his eyes were red.
He was drunk but enough sober.
He came inside while faltering Mrs Jeon felt sad watching her son daily like this.
He was straight going towards his bedroom when Naeun stopped him.

" D-Dangshin din..ner...."
Naeun hesitantly asked as she was scared of him.

" I already had my dinner "
Jungkook harshly said without looking at her. Mrs Jeon saw the scene & went near her son.

" Kook she haven't had her dinner yet because of could have atleast called her and let her know that you'll eat dinner outside "
Mrs. Jeon exclaimed sharply making jungkook piss off.

" Listen eomma I'm feeling sleepy don't spoil my mood with your lectures "
Jungkook angrily retorted and stride towards his bedroom.

Tears brimmed in Naeun's eyes she started sobbing silently, Mrs. Jeon saw her & pulled her into a hug.

" Ssh Ssh...don't cry my dear...he's an idiot don't mind his words...he's like this short-tempered, stubborn & gets irritated over small things from his childhood...just give him a little time he'll soon accept you as his sit down & eat your dinner hmm "
Mrs. Jeon comforted her while caressing her back then she made him sit on the dinning table & told her to  eat.

(btw she was wearing this nightgown as she doesn't like to wear revealing clothes)

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(btw she was wearing this nightgown as she doesn't like to wear revealing clothes)

Naeun quietly ate the dinner not wanting to make her mother-in-law upset.
Mrs. Jeon smiled and get inside of her room to sleep.
Naeun finished her meal and put her plate on the sink.
Naeun wiped her tears and went inside her husband's room which is also her now.
She saw her husband was sleeping in a very uncomfortable position his one leg was on the floor while the other one on the bed. He didn't even removed his shoes.
She went near him and hesitantly lifted his leg and put it on the bed.
She panted softly as his leg was very heavy for her to lift up.
Then she removed his socks, shoes & jacket slowly not wanting to wake him up.
At last she covered him with a duvet and turn off the lights.
She laid down on the couch since he had warned her not to sleep with him on the same bed.
She still remembers his words which he had said on their wedding night.

" Don't expect me to be a gentleman who'll let you sleep on this bed while I'll sleep on the couch I'm a very bad guy...and this marriage means nothing to me keep this thing in your mind...besides don't expect me to be a sweet caring husband understand !! "

She stared at his face for few minutes and then closed her eyes in a hope that maybe one day her husband will love her.

So that's it for today chums if you liked the chapter then please please please please please please vote, comment & share
It'll encourage me to write more 😓☝🏼

Kindly ignore the spelling & grammatical errors 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
I will not post the next chapter until I get satisfied with the required voting numbers!! Hmph 😤

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