Floundering (N/A)

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The streets of Yoyle City are getting dark now, but every once in a while, if one's lucky, they'll suddenly light up.

Lightning has been itching to get out there and make a name for himself. That's the whole reason why he was one of the few dozen hopefuls that auditioned to become part of the Battle for Dream Island (though he had to sneak himself into that list; it's a long story). That's the reason why he endured countless months in that cramped metal box, waiting for that second chance to be in the second season. But neither of those worked out, and it ended up becoming just another folly of his. Yet another one of the many, *many* opportunities that he had zapped and turned into nothing but ash.

But that's all in the past now; once again, he was out and about, free to fly wherever he pleased, do whatever he wanted, *be* whatever he desired. No longer was there a speaker box or some other host tethering him to that proverbial rock, constantly keeping him there through promises of another chance of stardom if he just stuck around. If he clenched his teeth and worked through the pain for just a *moment* longer. No more of that. The moment he was teleported out of the walls of the Tiny Loser Chamber, he was free of all that regret. Those mistakes. He could once again fly as free as a cloud (he shuddered at the thought), make up for lost time, and finally shine as bright as he knew he could.

So *why*, pray tell, was he still stuck in this dilapidated, depressing city? Why did he spend his days and nights going back and forth, taking the same old routes, telling the same old stories? Why did he always carry something heavy, an extra thing he had to worry about as he zipped along from place to place? Why did he have to concern himself about lifting it high enough to avoid scraping the old road, but low enough to make sure he wouldn't touch it by accident and send a deadly current of volts its way? Why did he fear flying higher and higher, worrying that he'll lose sight of the city, or send that pile of scrap down to its certain doom?

Lightning finally arrived at his destination. The diminutive, dimpled despot, could be seen tapping her foot angrily. "Where have you *been*, exactly?"

*That's* why.

For obvious reasons, not many people wanted to get close to a living danger to one's life, let alone befriend them. Most that knew what's good for them were quick to stay away from the conscious bolt, not wanting to be anywhere in the vicinity if and when he did his thing. He very much understood, of course, but still... It left him longing. It left him *wandering*.

Despite basic knowledge and common sense telling anyone to stay *far* away from him, Golf Ball decided that it was worth the possible risk; ever since Lightning was freed out of that box, GB was pretty much the only person he could consider a friend. And *what* a friendship it is. He flew off to wherever her little legs couldn't reach, carried stuff that she couldn't drag along, and powered things that she needed dearly. There wasn't any politeness, any thanks; every once in a while, he might get a little nod of approval if he's lucky. Many would say that that's no friendship at all... but what else did he have? No one else wanted to get close, and beyond the city... what even *is* there beyond the city? And so, he endured. Just as he willingly remained in that box, kept his temper and bided his time, he'd tolerate every little thing that team tyrant could throw at him. Day after day.

But today, no longer.

"You're late." Golf Ball continued her tirade; Lightning dropped off the scrap, harshly enough that the clanging could drown out the string of insults that followed. "You're late!" GB reiterated. "What exactly do I keep you around for? It's almost nighttime! We needed this stuff *hours* ago! Now it's gonna be too dark to set up anything, we're gonna have to wait until tomorrow, and..." She'd groan. "Yet more time wasted! Unbelievable!"

"...Sorry, GB." The bolt sighed. "I *really* made sure that this is what you're looking for. I didn't notice-" "You could've just..." The ball grumbled. "You could've just brought whatever! I would've understood; of course not everything is gonna be here! This place has endured so much throughout all this time..." As she continued on her rant, Lightning thought back to the time he did exactly that; she then promptly berated him for making her waste her time on cutting it down to proper size, telling him to keep an eye out for better candidates. It's all just...

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