Chapter 13

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Waking up that Friday morning was like waking up after his leg surgery. Buck's head was pounding and he had just awoken from a weird dream. He got up and drank some water, trying to clear his headache.

It took about an hour before Bucks head stopped hurting. He drank a bunch of water after taking some tylonal and was sitting on the floor of the hotel. He sat there for another five minutes before getting up and going to make coffee and shower.

After he did his typical morning routine he texted Maddie to inquire on what she was up to. As he messaged he cleaned up the hotel room, as it was a mess from his clothing.

‘Goodmorning, I was messaging to see what you were up to today’ The message was left on delivered for about thirty minutes, and in that time Buck had cleaned the entirety of his hotel, made his bed, and repacked all his clothing. The dirty clothes were on the right of his suitcase, and the clean clothes were on the left of it.

‘Good morning, sorry I just woke up. I don't have any plans except chill out at home. Why?’ Buck was sitting on his hotel bed as he read Maddie's response. He started typing back.

‘I just don't have anything to do and was wondering if you wanted to get coffee? On me:)’ He saw Maddie had read the message.

‘I suppose we can get coffee. Since you leave in a few days.’ She typed, obviously joking.

‘awsome!’ He responded.

‘do you think you could come pick me up?:,) Jee is still asleep and I don't wanna wake her up so her dad can drive me to meet up with you’

‘Yeah of course I can come get you, what time do you want me to?’ He asked.

‘like 15 minutes so I can throw on clothes?’

‘Sick, that works for me. See you in a few Maddie.’ and with that, Buck layed on the bed and waited for Maddie to tell him she was ready.

He was happy to be close with Maddie, and to have someone to talk to about everything. Despite knowing everyone Buck had been talking about lately, Maddie tried her hardest not to be biased. She made an attempt to encourage Buck to make amends with everyone, while also trying to ensure he knew he didn't have to.

‘I'm ready.’ Maddie messaged and Buck got up, grabbing his keys and such.

‘Awesome I'm on my way now.’ He responded before putting his phone in his pocket and going to his jeep. Before he started working as a firefighter he was kind of careless when it came to driving. He would sometimes text and drive, but now… After some of the accidents he's seen caused by a driver not paying attention, he's been extra cautious.

He got into his jeep and buckled up before starting the jeep and putting it in drive. It took him 10 minutes to get to Maddie and Chim's, and when he did he messaged Maddie.

‘I've made it, do you want me to come to the door or just wait out here?’ He asked.

‘You can wait out there I'll be out in a second’ She responded. Buck put his phone away and listened to whatever was playing on the stereo. He had hooked up his phone to it and was listening to his Playlist, but he had it set up on the recommended shuffle and got songs he hadn't listened to before.

When Maddie got into the jeep and got buckled up, Buck drove to the coffee shop. As he drove he and Maddie sang along to some of the songs that came up in Bucks playlist. When they got to the coffee shop, Buck parked and shut the jeep off. He got out and assisted Maddie in getting out.

“Wait, so is your leg broken or is it fractured?” Buck asked as they walked in.

“I just broke it.” She smiled and they walked up to the register.

Buck and Maddie loved this cafe for the fact it was a family owned business and the coffee was good. They stood behind the person in front of them, deciding what to order.

When they were able to order, Buck got a latte and Maddie got an iced Chai. Buck paid and they got their drinks, sitting down and beginning to talk about Buck and Bobby’s talk the night before.

“So, we both said a lot. We both explained our side of things, and then after that we talked about it.” He got comfy in his seat.

“Would you say it went well?” Maddie asked as she set her crutches against the wall closest to her. She also got comfortable in her seat.

“I think so yeah. We still have a lot to work on, obviously, but I think we both made our peace.” He smiled.

“I'm happy for you Buck.” She smiled, taking a drink of her Chai.

“Thank you.” He took a drink of his latte before begining to talk again. “I'm glad that you asked me to come visit, Maddie.”

“I'm glad that you decided to come visit. Even after everything.” She adjusted in her seat.

“I think I'd come visit you no matter what.” The statement was true. Despite everything, Buck would consistently try to make amends with Maddie. Everytime they got into disagreements Buck would feel like a kid again.

“I know I've said it already, but I am sorry Buck.” She set her drink on the table.

“I'm sorry too.” Buck responded quickly.

“For what?” She inquired in confusion.

“Leaving like I did. It was an impulsive decision.” He popped his knuckles without really realizing.

“I think you had every right to leave. If anyone says other wise they need to re think the situation.” She picked her drink back up to take a sip.

“I think I was in the wrong as well. Starting the lawsuit and everything.” He knew he was also in the wrong. He had taken an extreme route to get his family back and it had backfired. If anyone was going to admit to being wrong, Buck would in a heartbeat.

“I'll admit, it was a bit extreme but… was anyone listening? I think being extreme was the only way anyone would actually listen. But even then we tried to shove it away.” She shrugged. “Everyone makes mistakes Evan. We're human. You're allowed to make extreme decisions, especially if it helps you in the long run.”

“I feel like I shouldn't be extreme you know? I feel like I have to be mellow all the time.” He sighed.

“Being mellow is good sometimes, but sometimes you have to be extreme. Especially if it's the only way to get people to listen.” Maddie responded, looking Buck in the eyes.

Their conversation continued but was on several different topics. They talked about anything that'd keep the conversation going. They sat and talked for an hour, both drinking their respective drinks slowly.

Once they finished their drinks they decided to get up and leave, though they were still talking. While Buck was distracted he bumped into someone.

That someone was Eddie Diaz.

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