Chapter 10

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When Buck woke that next morning, Maddie had sent him a message. He figured he could respond after getting himself some coffee and after he got into some clean clothes. He started making the coffee and threw on some clean clothing as he waited for it to finish.

Once he sat down again with his coffee, he opened up Maddie's message.

'Good morning, I got discharged today and also got my phone fixed. I was messaging to see if you maybe wanted to get coffee or something with me. I get discharged at 11.'

Buck took a moment to respond.

'Getting coffee sounds good.'

'Alright.' Is all Maddie responded with.

'Message me when you're ready to meet up, okay?' Maddie responded with a thumbs up and that was that. Buck decided to get up, brush his teeth and get ready to go. He figured he could go and drive around for a bit before meeting with Maddie. Mainly to clear his thoughts and what not.

By the time 11:30 rolled around, Maddie messaged Buck.He made sure to pull into a parking lot before messaging her back or reading anything she sent.

'Hey I just got home and I'm getting ready to go ☺️ Is it okay if Josh tags along? I can't drive with my leg and Chim left for a shift after getting me from the hospital.'

Buck sighed.

'Yeah that's cool! Can't wait to see you.'

Maddie sent a red heart emoji and Buck put his phone away. He realized he didn't know where they were meeting.

When he went to message Maddie, it appeared she too had the same realization.

'Wait are we meeting at our usual spot or what? Forgot to ask' She messaged right as he opened her chat.

Buck laughed a bit.

'Usual spot sounds good, unless you have another place in mind?' He messaged back.

'Nope, no other spot in mind. I'll see you in 10 minutes?'

It was Buck's turn to send a thumbs up emoji rather than actually respond. Once he finished talking with Maddie he started his jeep up again, buckled up, and started driving to their typical coffee spot.

He parked and texted Maddie.

'I made it to the coffee shop'

She messaged back seconds later.

'Awsome, we are two blocks away.'

It took Josh and Maddie 4 minutes to get to the coffee shop, and when they both got there, they all went inside. It hurt Buck to see Maddie in a cast, only being able to walk with the assistance of crutches.

"Hey Buck," Josh waved.

"Hi Josh." Buck smiled as he responded. "Also, hi Maddie." He laughed a bit.

"Hi Buck." She smiled. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing alright. How are you two doing?" He asked as they waited in line to order.

"I'm doing quite good actually. Im really glad to be out of the hospital." Maddie yawned a bit as she spoke.

"I'm doing well. But I'll just let you two talk, I'm here to be a designated driver." Josh joked.

Maddie and Buck spoke for a bit, it was mainly small talk. Once they got up to the counter they ordered Coffee and went to sit down. Josh sat somewhere else to give them as much privacy as he could in a café.

"So, how did dinner at Hen's go last night?" She inquired as she took a drink of her coffee.

"It went... okay." He sounded confused as he replied looking down at his drink.

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