Chapter 12

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When Buck awoke that next day he checked his phone to see the time and date. He was looking through it, and it sunk in it was already Thursday. This meant, that he had already been there for four days and three nights.

He got out of the hotel bed and went to brush his teeth and shower. As he showered he played music to jeep himself company.

If felt time was moving extra slow that day. It was about 2pm when he got a message from an unknown number.

‘Is this Evan Buckley?’ The number asked. Buck was confused.

‘This is him, why? who is this?’ Buck typed trying to remember who he had guven his number to recently.

‘Its Tommy. We met in your sisters hospital room.’

When Buck read who it was, his heart started pounding. Which was weird, because he's never had an issue talking to new people before this… so why was Tommy diffrent?

‘Oh! Hey. I remember you now.’ Buck responded, trying to make sense of what he was feeling.

‘I wanted to message and get to know you:)’ Buck felt his face warm up when he read that message. He felt like kicking his feet.

‘Oh:)) It's be nice to get to know you.’ Buck typed before sending it and going to call Maddie. When she picked up, she barely got out a hello before Buck was talking.

“Maddie!” Buck exclaimed.

“Hello to you too Buck.” She laughed.

“I need advice.” He said, not saying hello back.

“Okay… With what exactly?” Buck could hear Chim in the backround, most likely playing with Jee.

“I need advice about getting to know someone.” Buck was almost out of breath due to talking so fast and not breathing.

“Okay. Well, first can you try breathing?” She tried not to laugh at him.

He inhaled deeply before goin back to talking.

“Tommy texted me, right? And he said he wanted to get to know me, and I said that I would enjoy getting to know him too. But now, I’m ignoring him. What do I do?” He was speaking quickly, but luckily for him, Maddie could understand.

“Don't ignore him?” She asked confused.

“I mean. Yeah, obviously but like.” He stated, trying to get himself to put Maddie on speaker and respond to the message Tommy sent.

“Text him back Buck.” She snickered.

“Okay… But what if-” Maddie cuts him off.

“Just do it!” She had now begun laughing. Buck put her on speaker phone and read the message.

‘Do you maybe want to meet at a cafe down town Saturday at 11:30? I have a shift tommorow, and it's a little late in the day for coffee.’

“He asked me to get coffee Saturday. Should I agree?” Buck asked Maddie.

“You should agree.” She responded.

“Okay. I'm gonna say sure.” He said as he begun typing.

‘Alright! That sounds good. ☺️’

Maddie and Buck were silent for a moment or so, before Maddie spoke.

“Did you just need emotional support during that?” She asked.

“Yes.” Buck answered embarrassed.

“Alright. Then I'm gonna go, okay?” And with that Maddie hung up, leaving Buck to sit with his thoughts.

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