The Eras Tour

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I just woke up in Madrid , today we are going to see my mom playing in here I'm so excited because Betty is coming too. I've never visited Spain before and I'm so excited to be here, also I haven't seen a lot but Madrid seems to be absolutely beautiful. We are staying in a very fancy suite in a hotel which has 3 bedrooms, isn't that super cool?.

"Betty!!!!" I hear a little voice coming from the other side of the door, "how's it?" I knew it izzie form the very first steps I heard, she immediately started to laugh and I opened the door and lifted her up "mom said that you should get ready because we are going to visit the city" izzie says, "oh okey where is she?, "she's in the terrace" izzie says trying to go show me where she is.

"Hey mom" she looked at me and gave me a hug "hi sweetie how did you sleep?", "fine not bad", I've been so jet lagged tonight so I'm kinda sleepy, "Betty and Blake are getting ready because we are going to visit the city as you guys never saw it", "is this safe" I asked her, sometimes I'm afraid to go out because I don't like paparazzi and I get very anxious, I've always been very insecure girl, I'm constantly thinking about how people sees me and how do I look. Sometime I take this a little to serious and I tent to judge myself really hard. "We are going to have security every time don't worry Blair" Mom always tries to comfort me when Im anxious.

"Okey if my mom is ready I am too there's nothing to worry about"I said to myself.
I took some jeans and a tang top and a pair of golden goose from my suitcase, I took a shower did my makeup and I was all done.

I sat on the couch while my mom and my sister got ready.
A few minutes later they were ready and we left the hotel with Blake and Betty. As soon as I saw Betty all my anxiety was gone. We walked a lot and I was very surprised that almost anyone was there taking pictures of us, but we arrived to one of the most important places in Madrid and there was full of people wearing eras tour merch, I started to freak out not gonna lie, they immediately ran towards us and stared to ask for pictures I immediately looked at my mom and she just understood the message instantly, the security guards took us outside from the crowd and we decided that the best thing to do was going back to the hotel.

We arrived and we ordered something to eat and got all dressed up to go to the concert.
We arrived at the stadium and not gonna lie I'm always excited to see the concert.

"Blair honey"my mom said "yes?" I stand up and sat next to her, "izzie is probably going to get very unbearable when she gets sleepy so please can you promise my that you are going to take care of her?", she asked me, "yeah sure I'll do my best" , "thank you so much" she took my head and kissed my cheek.

Im getting ready for the show and I'm so excited to play in here the stadium is impressive and I love when my children are here so I can feel more at home somehow.

Also it's almost Blair's birthday and I have a little surprise for her. She is a very big fan of Gracie and she hacent seen her since the he good riddance tour, I know how special she is to her so I reached out to her and I got told that she was having a "private" concert in Toronto so I got her tickets but I'm not going to tell her.

I'm checking my phone but suddenly I see that te is is calling me.
"Hi Taylor" "I wanted to tell you something"
"What ? Is everything ok?"
"have the best night ever enjoy the concert love you" ugh he always does that i hate that he genuinely scares me
" aww thank you trav"
"Also can I talk with the girls"
"Yea of course" I quickly handed my phone to Blair and she saw that it was Travis and she smiled and talked with him for about 5 minutes then I gave the phone to izzie , and hold the phone for her.

The show was about to begin so I genuinely know izzie is going to ask for food so I prepared her a lunch box with a few of her favorite snacks and gave it to Blair.
"Bye baby see you later I love you", I smiled "bye mommy". "Bye girls" I blowed them a kiss from the door.

"We should go to the tent" Blake told us, I lifted up izzie and we walk  to the tent.
"I want mommy, I want mommy now", izzie said to me as I was carrying her, "but we can't have mommy now she's about to start her show", we where already there and the crowd started to go crazy when they saw us there, izzie stared to get a bit nervous because she wanted to be with my mom and also everyone was cheering, so she started to cry "I want mommy!!!!!", I looked at her "hey don't cry okey", I said tuning my fingers through her hair, "I want mommy" she stared to sob, I was also getting nervous because the people on the pit where trying to trade bracelets with me.

I decided to sit down and calm down izzie, I was trying to let her now that mommy was going to be there in 2 min and that we are going to see her perform.

She finally calmed down and started to dance with the music that was on right before the timer is settled.

I decided to go talk with some fans, I was beyond nervous but I met some girls that were very nice to me.

The concert was going great and everyone was screaming SO loud! We finally made it to TTPD and I can tell izzie was tired so I sat down with her "hey baby are you tired", she nods and rubs her eyes, "okey sweetie I hoot you some snacks that you can eat and then maybe you can try to sleep a little", she nod and lifted her arms so I could carry her to the snacks. I think sees so cute when she is tired but I also feel bad for her I know that being tired with a whole concert going on is hard.

"Here you go you like these?" I gave her a bag filled with grapes and she quickly smiled, I know she loves grapes, "yaaaay".

Once she finished the grapes I took a sweater  and put it on her.
"Blair im tired" she rubbed her eyes and places her head in my neck. She always does that when she is tired, I sat down "try to take a nap baby I know it's hard", I said while I was running my fingers through her hair.

After a while she was sleeping and the concert was about to finish.
Mom is singing karma we are about to leave the tent so i walked out trying not to wake izzie. God she's heavy now she used to be a little baby.

We are walking to the backstage so we can see her. She is waking out and immediately the crowd starts to scream, so izzie ofc wake up, she is so confused "what are we going here", "look at mommy" I pointed her. Izzie stared to run and hugged Taylor.


I just had the best concert ever the crowd was SO loud.

I soon and I leave the stage I saw my daughters Blake and Betty waiting for me.

As soon as I see izzie running towards me I opened my arms and lifted her up. I can't tell she was sleeping.

The crowd went crazy when izzie and I wave them.

As soon as we started to walk our way out of the stadium izzie was already asleep. Poor thing she's is so tired.

We arrived at the hotel, I had the best time in Madrid and I'm sure I'll come back.

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