night out

350 8 1

New York
Travis and I are going for a night out, we are going to a party to celebrate Blake's birthday, we decided to leave Blair and izzie with my parents.

I'm so excited for tonight because we haven't been able to go partying together in forever because of our kids.

I brought a sparkly dress and some cute shoes matching it. We are now getting ready it's almost 9 pm so we have plenty of time to get ready.

"I don't really like how I look in this dress" I stared at the mirror
"Oh shut up Taylor you look amazing..." he made me smile and gave me a kiss and left.
I kept looking at myself in the mirror but I decided to turn arround and kept getting ready.

Travis and I finally got ready and we are all ready to go. Our car is waiting for us.
"I'm done!" I walked downstairs
"Oh... you look amazing Taylor" he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a soft kiss.
"Let's go babe car is waiting" I gave him a kiss back.
I took his and hand walked though the door.

We finally made it to the party and everyone was ready there, ops.
"Happy birthday Blake!!" I jumped and gave her a big hug. "I love you so much" she gave me a kiss.
"Let's go inside !!" We went inside.

"Trav let's get some drinks" I took his hand and walked our way to the bar.
"I want a margarita, what do you want Trav"
"Vodka tonic"
"Okey so a margarita and a vodka tonic please" we waited  for our drinks and Ryan came to us and greeted us.
"What's up!!!" Travis and Ryan talked for a while and thank god Blake came and rescued me.
The four of us talked for a while.
The party is going great, I'm not in my best condition right now but I'm having so much fun dancing and celebrating Blake's birthday.

"I'm gonna get another drink wait do you want something??" I asked Travis as I was going to the bar again
"No you are not getting another drink tay you already have enough" he was lowkey right I was enough drunk he took my hand and brought me next to him.
"Come on it's just one drink you should have fun!!""Let's get you a drink come on" he finally came with me
"Hi sir uhm we want two glasses of water please"
"Wait no!" ,"Travis tell him I don't want water". He decided to ignore me.

It's 3 am and Taylor is already too drunk to drink another drink so I ordered a glass of water for her and for me.
I'm all good right now I don't really like getting drunk, also I have to take care of Taylor cause she really likes wine.

"Here" I gave Taylor her glass of water.
"I don't want water Trav I didn't asked you for this" her voice sounded like she was drunk asf so I didn't regret my decision at all.
We kept partying and dancing.

"Taylor I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I stood up and walked my way to the bathroom.


Okey Travis is gone and I'm pretty sure I need another glass of wine, just to have fun and I'm thirsty.
I stood up and went to the bar, ordered some wine and went right back to where I was earlier.

God I'm feeling really dizzy right now, but I'm having so much fun dancing with my friends.
Blake came to me and said "aren't you a little drunk enough tay?" She was drunk too we started laughing and complaining about why the wine so good.

I saw travis coming back, I still had my glass of wine in my hand and I was talking with Blake.
"Hey girls, hey Taylor you are drunk enough" I almost felt to the ground when I tried to step back.
"Got you" Travis held me and I poured the drink all over my dress.
"Not the wine.... My dress..." my eyes stared to get watery.
"Hey don't worry let me clean this for you" Blake took a napkin and tried to clean my dress.
"Blake honey this is not working" we both died laughing.
A man with shots was walking around and i just saw the opportunity to go a take a shot with Blake.
We both saw eye to eye and took the small glass full of some kind of tequila.
We drank that in matter of seconds.
Travis was right next to me when I did that... and by the look on his face he was not having fun, he lets me drink whatever I want but I admit I was ignoring him the hole time, I immediately realized and tired around.

"Hey aren't you having fun?" I wrapped my arms in his neck and tried to give him a kiss he rejected my kiss.
"Hey! Don't do that".
He wasn't looking to me so I asked "what's wrong?" He shook his head, "let's go outside" I took his hand and walked our way to the terrace.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked him, I bearly can see his face even tho his standing right next to me.
"Well I" he didn't even finished his sentence and I had the biggest urge to throw up, I covered my mouth and retched I ran to the closet bathroom, thank god I was near them.Travis came with me and held my hair.
"it's ok" Travis rubbed my back while I was throwing up.
"I'm so sorry" I stood up and covered my mouth "I'm sorry Travis what were you saying?"
"It's okey... basically that you were too drunk" .
"I'm so sorry I'm such a terrible person I didn't listen to you I'm so so sorry omg" I felt really terrible but less drunk thank god.
"Hey it's okey don't worry" he gave me a hug.
"Can we go home now?"
He laughed "yeah...".

I spotted Blake in the crowd.
"Hey I'm leaving! Happy birthday I love you so so much" I gave her a hug
"awww okey thank you" she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I left.

We were on our way home, Travis was driving and I was just laying in the passenger seat with my head in the window.
"Travis seriously im so sorry, I feel terrible..." my voice was breaking, I was still a little drunk so i cried about it of course .
"You are sorry for what tay? You already told me and I said it's ok!" He placed his hand in my thigh.
" because I ignored you the hole night, you were right all the time and I didn't care at all, I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot also my dress it's ruined and I'm not saying I'm going to wear this dress one more time cause I look awful in it but i spilled wine all over it, I'm useless" am I crying over the dress? the answer is yes I did cried because of the dress.
"Hey first of all I don't care you drink what you want to drink I'm not here to prohibit you anything, secondly stop saying you look awful because it's not true you look amazing and also makes me sad so stop telling lies" As soon as he finished his sentence we were home.
I stepped out of the car and get wrapped by his arm around my shoulder and we walked our way to the house.
Once we were home we went upstairs.
"Let's get you ready for bed" he took off my dress and got a big tshirt and I put it on.
"Want anything to eat? Or water or something, are you feeling good?" I nodded and walked to the bathroom.
I put my hair in a ponytail and washed my face, brushed my teeth and went downstairs for some water.
Onces I finished with all of that I went to bed and watched some greys anatomy.

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