Bithday gift

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New York, New York

Today is the day I'm going to give her the big surprise. We are taking a plane and then I'll take her to the venue I'm not saying a word till we are there, I'm so excited to tell her.

"Good morning sweetheart", she groans and turns around "you are not going to school today", "what why?", "just take a suitcase and put some clothes on, you'll see." She looks so confused ahhaha it's so funny.

Travis is staying with izzie so I have nothing to worried about her.


I just woke up and my mom just told me that I have to pack up and I'm supposed to go to school I have no idea what is going on.

I wake up and wash my face, I walked out of my room and saw my dad walking down the stairs "hey dad" "hello buddy" he put his arm around my shoulder. "Mom just told me that I have to pack up? What is going on do you know something?" "What no?" Ofc he knew something I'm not stupid.

I made myself a coffee and sat down for a while. "Hey Blair how did you sleep" my mom grabbed a cup and poured some juice, "fine, what is going on"
"Nothing you just have to make a bag for 2 days make sure you put on your favorite clothes",
She said smiling, "oook?, also when are we leaving?", I ask confused, "uhm in about an hour". Ok now I was confused I have one hour to think what I'm going to put in that damn bag and also shower and dress up, I started to freak out so I drank my coffee as fast as possible.

I took my bag and started to put some of my fav clothes I have no idea what to wear if it's going to be hot or not ,but I just put a lot of stuff in there.

I took a shower and put on some sweatpants with a pink tank top, took my uggs and went downstairs.

"I'm almost ready!!!" I shouted.
I took my Stanley and poured some water.
I sat down waiting for my mom.


okey I'm ready. "Blair!", "yes?????", "are you ready?", "yes I am!".

We took a black van with security and went to the airport. It's a 2 h flight so is not going to be exhausting.

We finally arrived and she immediately knew we where in Canada.
"Mom we are in Canada" she said looking around, "I know!" It genuinely impossible that she knows what is going on, basically because Gracie haven't posted anything.

We arrived at the hotel, she knew we were in Toronto and we stayed in the hotel for a few hours before the concert napping mostly.


What the fuck we are in Toronto what is going on, I don't know what we are supposed to do here.
We are at a hotel in laying down.

"Come on Blair time to get ready", "get ready for what" I was so pissed of like why wouldn't she just told me ?, "just make sure you wear a cute night outfit", thank god I had a skirt that was lowkey for partying so I took it and also a white tang top, some boots and I did my makeup.

We are going in a black van and I literally had no idea why was going on but we are in a venue ? I'm so confused and there's girls with cute clothes outside. We entered the back door and I saw a security men with a Gracie lanyard.

"Mom" I pointed the lanyard, "she stared to laugh and I covered my mouth. "Surprise", "what surprise what what is going on?", "you are going to see Gracie today", I almost choked "what? You are kidding right", my eyes where filled with tears and my mom gave me the biggest hug, I know this sounds crazy but I just love Gracie so much that seeing her in person makes me so emotional. "But I haven't seen anything these days in her Instagram", "it's an acoustic private concert", "what the actual fuck".

Apparently we were waiting for someone to take us to the room.

I was inside the room all alone waiting cause my mom was back stage.
The doors finally opened and some girls recognized me and told me that they were so excited to meet me I was genuinely happy so I didn't even thought that pictures and photos of me were taken.
As soon as I opened tweeter it was full of people saying that I was there. I didn't care at all which is rare.
I even made friends with a girl next to me called Ava
The show was about to begin and the light went off.

Gracie entered the room

I immediately stared crying, I cheered like everyone else and she sat down in the chair that was right in front of me. She saw me as soon as she looked up and I was hysterically crying. "Oh my god I can't" I say sobbing, "oh hi Blair !!!", I shook my head and cover my face. "Hey are you crying?", the crowd: " yes she is!", aww come here, she stepped out of the stage and gave my a hug, I looked up and saw her coming I opened my arms and she gave me the most precious hug ever, I've never felt this happy ever in my life, "I love you" I said crying, "awww love you too", she sat down in between the barricade and the stage and said "okey hi guys context, Blair is here cause tomorrow is her birthday and her mom miss swift (crowd goes crazy) bring her here as a gift, she had no idea she was coming right?", "no like I didn't even know we were in Toronto until I saw the city like my mom just told me to pack some clothes", Gracie: "so, I haven't seen her since the good riddance tour and we didn't even met like in person ever so I'm so excited to see you, I love her mom and I admire her a lot so just meeting her and knowing she likes my music it's just unbelievable", "so yeah this is the first time I'm seeing her, aren't you super excited Blair ?", "I'm speechless", Gracie laughed making me laugh back "you are so cute" she blew me a kiss and
Gracie took her guitar and started to play her songs. I had the time of my life I talked to Gracie and enjoyed every second of it. When Gracie was gone I talked with some girls I had next to me and they asked me some questions that I was very happy to answer surprisingly, apparently they are big fans of my mom and I was very happy that they where chill about ot.
After a couple of minutes I had to go search my mom so I asked a men that was there, he quickly told me to go to the backstage where I found Abby she guided me to my mom.

"Hiiii! OH MY GOD", I told her jumping, "hi sweetie how was it?" "Mom I had the best time ever I talk with her I talked with her", "well you are going to talk to her a bit more now", "what do you mean"I didn't believe what she was saying, "come here" she took my hand and walked me to a door that had a sign with her name in it.

My mom knocked the door "hi?".
"Oh hi!!!" Gracie opened the door, I started to cry "damn it" I said when I realized I was about to cry again, "come on in!" We walked in and I started to sob AGAIN I just can control it, "hey Blair please don't cry", I gave her a big hug and tried to console myself. We talked for a while and let me tell you that she's the cutest girl ever she's the most girls girl I've en en met I swear.
It was getting late so we left. I had the best time in this Littt concert everyone was so sweet and kind with me.
We arrived at the hotel and got ready for bed.

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