Summer days II

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Rhode Island

I just woke up here and for some reason I don't care about what happened yesterday I'm just not going to argue with people that their hole point is hurting me.
I'm glad I have Betty and that she is always there for me, I really wanna invite her for some days so I'm going to ask my mom today.

I woke up and went to the kitchen where I found my dad drinking one of his protein shakes
"Hey princess", he opened his arms making me hug him "good morning", "do you want something for breakfast?", "yeah I want a avocado toast" I open the fridge to search for a avocado and prepare my breakfast.
I was eating my toast when I hear little steps approaching me, "Blair?", I turned around and saw izzie right behind me "yes ?", "can you do swimming with me later?", "yeah let me finish my breakfast I'll put my swimsuit and I go with you okey", "YAAAAAYYY" she screamed and jumped i slightly laughed.
When I finished my breakfast I went upstairs and took my swimsuit threw some sunscreen and my Sunglasses.
"IZZ!" She came as soon as she heard her name "yes? Are you ready?", "yes I'm ready but your not" I opened my sunscreen and softly put some in her face arms legs and torso, we were ready to go now.
The pool is far from the house you we walked for around 2 minutes though our gardens.
We finally arrived and I didn't expected to see my no there "oh hi mom", "hi Blair ! Hi izz!".
"Mom I wanted to ask you something", "I'm scared" she replied laughing "don't be" , "uhm I was think maybe Betty can come for a few days here and she can meet my friends and stuff" , "yes totally that a great idea we can also invite James inez Blake and ryan", I didn't expected that but it sounds like fun "YES!". "JAMES!!" Izzie screamed, "ok I'm going to call her I'll ask her if they can come for a few days" "YES!" I was so happy I can wait to see them.

We spent the whole morning swimming and playing I love when I get to play with my sister she's just so cute I love her.
My dad came and said "what are my little girls doing?" "We are playing dad!" Izzie said. "that's great I have a question for you two", "who wants a bbq???" "UGH YES!" I love bbqs.

My dad stared cook and my mom sat down next to me, she placed her hand on my thigh "they are coming!", I stood up and stared jumping "YES!" "When when!?", "tomorrow!", "omg really?!?!?!", "YES they said that they were thinking about going to the beach this week and that they would love to come here!", "THANK YOU THANK YOU".
I texted Betty the second after I got told that they were coming
Blair's phone:
Blair- hellooooo Betty
Betty- HI Blair tomorrow I'm going to Rhode Island with you!
Betty- I'm going to pack my bags
Blair- call me, now!
Betty called me and we spent around 10 minutes talking about what we were going to do when she came.
My dad called me and I went to the terrace and ate lunch.

I just woke up everyone in this house is asleep so I slowly went downstairs and made my coffee and a toast, I've been addicted to Greys Anatomy so I sat down in the sofa and watched some of the new episodes.
When I finished my breakfast I went upstairs to my closet and put on some sports clothes, even tho I'm in vacation still have eras tour shows to perform so I did my workout. Once I finished it I took a shower and got some new clean clothes.
Once I hop out of the shower I can hear a little voice saying "mommy?", I went to her room and slowly opened the door "good morning baby", she smiled and opened her arm making me lift her up "how did my baby sleep?" , "okey", she placed her little head in my neck.
"Let's get you something to eat", I sat her down on her chair, got a glass and poured some milk, then took an apple and peeled it for her. "Here you have baby", I placed the paste right in front of me " I want a cookie", "oh you want a cookie, here you have" I gave her a cookie.
She finished her breakfast and I turned on the tv and she was there sitting water favorite show.
Shes a good girl so I'm upstairs brushing my hair and doing my skincare without caring if she's going a mess of whatever. Once I'm all done I went downstairs and I saw Izzie sat down in the same way I say her a few imago "mommy I want to go swimming", "why don't you ask you sister once she wakes up?", "okey..."

Izzie wanted to play in her playroom so I took her upstairs and I went to my room just to take my phone.
I saw Travis awake so I approached him a pond gave him a kiss "good morning", "good morning tay" he stood up and went downstairs. I stayed there for a while but then I decided to go to the garden.
"Trav Izzie is upstairs playing take a look at her please", "of course, you look nice on that clothes!" Oh god he's such a good boy, I gave her some silly posees, he laughed and I laughed back.
I'm not at the pool just laying down here.
Blair and Izzie just came here and Blair told me about inviting betty over for a few day, I just find it like a really fun idea so I'm going to call Blake and ask her, also I talked with Blake yesterday and she told me she was thinking about going on vacation for some days.
I called Blake
Taylor- hello!
blake- hi Taylor how are you??
Taylor- I'm great how are you?
Blake- that's great I'm fine too.
Taylor- I just thought you guys can come for a few day to Rhode Island here with us our kid would have so much fun and we can do some partying and bbqs...
Blake- that sounds like so much fun! When would this will be?
Taylor- whenever you want!
Blake- Ryan finishes his film today so maybe we can take the jet tomorrow?
Taylor- sure! We will be happy so see you guys here!
Blake- okey that's sounds so fun
Taylor- right?
Blake- Taylor I gotta go but I'll see you guys tomorrow right?
Taylor- absolutely bye!!
Blake- goodbye!

Ahhhh I'm so excited I'm going to tell Blair 

Travis made a bbq and we basically spent the day chilling around the house.
It was almost dinner time and I was sitting in the couch with Travis we honestly don't wanted to cook so we just ordered some pizzas
The pizzas arrived and the we just ate them.

I know this is such a burning short but I wanted to just make this as a "linker" idk well I'm sorry :)

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