Cheifs family day

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No one's pov
Izzie (4)
Blair (6)
Kansas City

Onces a year the cheifs team make a family reunion. Each players family spend the day playing football, eating and doing fun games.

Taylor woke up, Travis and was still asleep and the girls were asleep too.
"good morning olivia" Taylor poured some food in each bowl.

She made izzie her favorite breakfast, French toasts and milk. Blair hates milk so she always drink apple juice.
She placed 2 toast in each plate and made some coffee for her and for Travis.

Once's she finished with that she went upstairs and opened izzies door. She was deep asleep, it's not so early in the morning but still early enough.
Taylor approached her sleeping daughter and brushed her hair. She likes to take a few minutes to wake her up.  "izzie honey" izzie stretched and smiled. "We are going to see Wyatt honey" Jason and Kylie are coming too.

She opened her arms so Taylor could pick her up. She did so. "good morning sweetheart let's go wake your sister" they both when yo Blair's room next door.
"Blair honey" Taylor did the same thing she did with izzie. She woke up. Blair always as an attitude when she wakes up. They learnt to let her some minutes.
Once the girls were woken up they went to the kitchen.
"Blair I'll be back in a minute watch your sister please" she nodded and Taylor went upstairs.
She opened her room door and walked in.
Travis as still asleep.
Taylor sat down in the opposite side of the bed. And gave Travis a kiss in his forehead. Then she started stroking his face. 
"Morning" Taylor says giving him a cheek kiss.
"morning" Travis wakes up and rubs his eyes.
"I made coffee ill be downstairs" Taylor stood up and left the room.

When she went downstairs she saw izzie crying and Blair cleaning up something in the floor.
"Izzie honey what's wrong"  Taylor lifted izzie up so comfort her.
"She spilled everything ugh and it's milk I can't even smell it" Blair says with disgust.
"Hey Blair it's okey I'll finish cleaning thanks for helping tho" Blair stood in and sat back down.
"Izzie honey it's okey, mistakes happen" Taylor hace her a kiss.
"Do you want more milk?" Izzie nodded.
"Okey honey sit back down" Taylor placed her in her chair.
"I'll get you some milk" Taylor kissed her head.
"Sorry mommy" izzie says woth her voice breaking.
"Hey sweetie it's okey, it happens im not mad" Taylor left and took a glass of milk with a straw.
"Here" she left the vio in front of izzie.

While Taylor cleaned the floor Travis went downstairs and pires some coffee in his cup.

Everyone finished eating breakfast.
"Let's go get ready girls" Taylor took her daughters upstairs.

Izzie wore grey shorts with a cheifs hoodie and red golden goose. And Blair wore a cute red polo dress.

She made both of them some cutes hairstyles in theirs white blond hair.

Then she when yo her dressing room and got herself some high boots a grey skirt and a black tank top. She did her usual make up. Red lips, black eyeliner and mascara. Then choose her jewelry. And they where ready to go.

They took the Range Rover and drove to the club.

When they arrived the kids run to the field and played.
While Travis and Taylor sat and ordered beer and wine.

They spent the morning there chatting with their teammates.
It's was around 12 am that the kids started to get hungry.
The place in huge. There's lots of fun things for the kids and there's also a restaurant where they can order whatever they want.

They all sat in the table and they ordered food.

The kids ate their special menu, which consisted of chicken tenders and fries.

They all finished eating and as soon as the kids finished they ran to play again.

At around 8pm

Taylor heard izzie crying. She stood up. "I'll go" Travis stayed.
Izzie felt and she had a little wound in her knee.
"Izzie are you okey baby" izzie shook her head.

"It hurts" she started sobbing when saw all the blood running down her leg.
Taylor lifted her up.
"let's go clean that iz" izzie started screaming "NO! No mom please NO!" She was till sobbing.

Taylor took her to the bathroom.
"sit here baby" izzie sat down
"look I'm gonna put some water to clean to wound okey baby it's not going to hurt" izzie started screaming and crying.

"Izzie I need you to calm down okey" Taylor poured some water in her bloody wound.

"Good job baby" izzie was still crying. Taylor cleaned her tears. "Let's go baby ill put a band-aid on your knee" izzie immediately smiled. I still don't know why kids have for band-aids, Taylor thought.

Taylor sat down and put izzie in her lap. "What happend izzie" travis said. "I felt" izzie said as a response, her voice was breaking again.Taylor put a star bad aid in her daughters knee. "Much better" Taylor kissed her head. And izzie placed her head in her chest.

She was tired and Taylor knew, it's almost 9 pm and she is tired she has been playing all day.
When izzie is tired she gets really clingy.
Taylor gave her a kiss in the head and brush her hair with her hands.
After a while her breath became lower and lower

"she's gonna fall asleep" Travis mouthed Taylor. She nodded
"we should go home trav she is tired" Taylor said and Travis nodded.
"I'll go pick Blair" Travis stood up and went to the park where Blair was playing.
"Blair come on we are leaving" Travis took her hand
"NO ! IM HAVING FUN DAD" she refused to leave
"Come on Blair we have to leave" Travis instead
"IM NOT LEAVING" Blair ran out
"Blair Marjorie come here right now" her full government name always works, Blair stoped running.
"No! I wanna stay"
"BLAIR COME HERE" Travis yelled
Blair came walking slowly
"Dad I don't wanna leave!!!" She yelled, Blair started crying.

"Come on Blair don't be a baby we are leaving" Blair was crying full of anger.
"Stop crying you are okey" Travis lifted her up and she started to kicking him. He ignored it.

Taylor was ready waiting for them to come say goodbye to everyone.
Taylor as soon as she saw her daughter losing it she left izzie on the ground.

"Blair stop" she tried to keep everything calm.
Blair wouldn't stop yelling and crying.

"HEY DONT KICK HIM" she stoped her little legs.
"I DONT WANNA GO!" Blair tried to scape again
"Blair stop your sister is tired we are tired, our house is 40min away we are leaving now." Taylor said with anger in her voice.

Blair stopped screaming but she was still mad. Taylor and Travis ignored it.
They said goodbye to everyone and left to the car. Once's they were there Taylor helped the kids yo buckle up.

After 40 minutes they got home the kids passed out in the car and Taylor and Travis had to pick them up and get them to their beds.

The couple went to bed and they both sleeps in matter of seconds.

Hope y'all liked it :) please feel free to give me ideas!!!

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