hurt at the game II

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I was looking to my daughter laying down in a hospital bed I just needed to go outside.

"Blair honey daddy and I are going outside because we have to sign something's ok? We'll be right back" she nodded and Travis and I went outside.

Travis knew I we didn't needed to go sign anything but he came anyway.

I stood right in front of the closed room door.

Tears started to stream down my face
"I can't see her like that I know I'm making such a big deal about this but I can't stop thinking how much our day has changed" I covered my face and lean on his chest.

"I know baby I know is hard for you but she'll be ok trust me" he rubbed his hand in my back.

"No like I know she'll be ok but I'm so sad for her you know? Also as soon as someone posts something the media will be here as soon as they know"

I started to freak out, the paparazzi is a thing I couldn't care less but not now I feel like is the last thing we need.

"Hey look don't worry about that, they are everywhere okey Blair you and I are used to this I'm sure it will be fine" he hugged me "also why don't call your mom tell her about this and try to clear your mind I'll handle this okey?" I really looked like I needed a break so I nodded and gave him a kiss in the lips.
"Okey yeah ill call her.. I love you"
"Love you too tay"
I left and went to the cafeteria and ordered a Diet Coke, I called my mom and told her about all that happened.


"hey little girl how are you?" I sat next to her.
"I'm good" she was watching tv when her doctor came.
"hey how are you doing princess" dr. Bailey and Blair got along very well, Blair smiled "hi dr . Bailey!" She came with and IV and some IV bags.

"Look this is an IV we are going to put this in your arm, and this is the medicine that will be given to you in these" she pointed at the IV
Blair started to get scared.
Taylor entered the room
"Hey guys" Taylor sat down next to me and I held his hand she was wearing a ring and I played with it for a very long time.
"does it hurt?" Blair asked afraid of all the things that dr. Bailey was holding.
"it hurts a little bit but it's just a second not even 10 seconds I swear" Blair eyes stared to get watery.
"I don't wanna do it..."

Taylor stood up and walked to the bed.
"Blair honey you have to do this, this will make your leg to stop hurting" she brushed her hair with her hands.
Blair nodded "okey..."
Dr.Bailey took a step back "okey this is Catherine she'll be doing you the thing we explained earlier".
"okey..." tears were streaming down Blair's face.

"Blair you would guess who I just talked too!"
"Who??" She smiled immediately
"Auntie Blake!!!"
"Blake!!" She stopped crying
"Yes and she is going to bring us ice cream"
"Yeah! And Betty is coming too!"

"look you are ready" she looked at her arm. "It didn't hurt!!" She was happy again.

"I told you" dr. Bailey smiled
"also she might be feeling a little tired is the next hours we gave a medication that is pretty strong for kids, it's used for this kind of cases. But with this she won't feel any pain at anytime" I nodded.
"Okey thank you so much!"
"yeah of course see you guys in a while"
Dr. Bailey left.

We basically spent the morning there we ate food from the restaurant cafeteria which was good but not the best food I've ever eaten you know...


Blake and Betty came to see Blair and we spent the day together we actually had so much fun.

Blair was tired so she went to sleep pretty early and Travis and I slept there too.

The next morning we woke up early and Blair had her surgery, it all went great and once's she woke up we spent 2 hours there and we were able to go home.

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