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Third Person Pov 

Kevin groaned once him and jay made eye contact for the fifth time that night kevin knew leaving his house was a bad idea but he tried to have fun with his friends like old times. Doug was the one who came up with it saying they never go out like they used to kevin objected wanting to stay home but of course was guilt tripped. Setty and camrin were at the bar singing a country song while doug was high as a kite dancing with everyone hyping him up. 

The night was decent until the burnt deli supreme walked in with his brothers and girlfriend. Kevin honestly didn't understand why jay felt the need to flash his relationship all the time lately due to their weird relationship and kevins feelings. Kevin looked back over and saw jay walking his way causing him to quickly speed walk into the men's room going into a stall and locking the door. 

Soon kevin heard the door open and was hoping and praying jay hadn't seen him walk in. "Kay i know you in here i wanna talk to you" Jay says but kevin remained still. Jay looked around and then saw kevins shoes from under the door and smirked walking to the stall door. "Come on pizza come on out" Jay says which quickly sent kevin opening the door. "Can i help you?" Kevin asks with a mug look. 

Jay smiled softly he hated to admit it but he did miss the other males attitude. "Yes you can listen we never properly talked- Jay starts before kevin walked past him. "Listen justin we talked all we needed to you agreed not to press charges and i apologized so" Kevin says with a shrug surprising jay. Kevin never used his gov even when he was mad normally he's just cuss him out or compare him to a food. 

"Since when you use my first name?" Justin asks furrowing his eyebrows. "Since now & listen if you ever call me pizza again i will kill you" Kevin says before leaving going to find his friends. Kevin took a deep breath he hated how the name "pizza" effected him maybe it was because it reminded him jay never felt the same way or even thought of feeling the same he was just using kevin for pleasure. 

Kevin sighed before taking his friends to the car buckling them up since they were beyond wasted. 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

Pizza (Kay flock x jayklickin) Where stories live. Discover now