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Third person pov

"Ion need no anger management" Kevin says as Doug continues to drive. "Listen you desperately need this" Doug says with a sigh. "Why I gotta be all dressed up?" Kevin asks confused as to why Doug forced him into his best clothes. "Aye clothes make the man" Doug says and Kevin rolled his eyes. "You get whiter by the day you know that?" Kevin asks. "& you get more annoying" Doug says.

Soon the two pulled up to this fancy looking place surprising Kevin. "Where are we?" Kevin asks but Doug says nothing dragging him into the place. Kevin looked around confused the place was beautiful and the music was definitely calming. But he noticed there were tables and saw waiters.

He then saw jay sitting at one of the tables and immediately glared at Doug. "I know you lying! You was trying to set me up" Kevin says as Doug gives a small smile. "Kay kay I wouldn't ever switch on you this is to help you" Doug says. Doug had spoken with David about his 'master' plan. Doug was skeptical but knew Jay was the root of Kevin's anger lately.

Lord knew Kevin has always been hotheaded but he had been more on edge lately. "Oh so you're helping me by dropping me off with that soggy dog biscuit build nigga!" Kevin yells making Doug laugh. "No it's to talk with him and put all the cards on the table. You been so on edge cause of him lately" Doug says and Kevin sighs in defeat.

Kevin hated to admit it but he had been letting his feelings for jay get in the way of things lately. "Ugh fine" Kevin says before walking over to the table. He knew Jay was most likely just as mad as he was and probably laid out his brothers moments prior. "Hi Kev" Jay says trying to speak and not make things awkward but knowing Kevin he was still ticked.

Kevin instead grabbed the table and his seat and dragged it away from the other male. He then grabbed a menu casually looking at it unaware Doug, setty, Camrin, David, Darrrian and Ethan were watching from a nearby table. "Yeah this ain't good" Camrin says earning nods of agreement.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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