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As usual, the five of us were left behind after school.

While Dani and I were packing, Hyein and Hanni were occupied with their arguments, and Haerin copied the assignment.

I sighed, grinning wide when I saw her too busy writing in her notebook.

I'm feeling a bit too brave today (still).

I placed my bag on my chair, and knelt to look at her, her notes, and finally the chalkboard.

"Oh! You got this wrong," I teased her, pointing out.

"Eh?" she asked, pausing her writing to glance at the board before turning back to her notepad and the board again.

Haerin furrowed her eyebrows and shot me a glare.

She pouted after complaining, "Don't bother me!"

I gave her a big smile and giggled, using the opportunity to squeeze her cheeks.

"You're cute, you know that?" I uttered, maintaining my smile as I turned to arrange my belongings again.

LIKE I SAID! I'm feeling a bit too brave today ><.

"Ey ey ey! That's foul, Kim!" Hanni, who was present for the entire incident, taunted and prodded me.

This girl has eagle eyes, I swear! She's literally witnessed every single interaction I had with Haerin!

"Spare Haerin, Y/n-ah! She's weak when it comes to compliments," Dani winked at me.

I laughed and turned to face Haerin.

Beet red was her complexion.

And her pen was hardly grasped by her hands.

Hyein giggled loudly as she pointed out Haerin's condition.

The girl in front of me only gave her a gaze as if to say she wouldn't spare Hyein alive later on.


I spoke with Lia last night on the phone about who would make the ideal teacher candidate for our performance task.

Thankfully, we were able to make up our minds and decide on Ms. Ma, who teaches both general mathematics and pre-calculus to us.

Hanni cried out, "Minji! How could you? Ms. Ma was ours!" and began to act like a complete idiot.

"Hm? Since when?" I questioned, shrugging and giving her a playful glance.

Her brows knitted as she said, "What the-? Is this payback??"

I crossed my arms and blew raspberries, saying, "Hell yeah!"

"You- afghciuascewaskjc- Ugh!" she moaned, doing her best not to attack me right then.

I chuckled. I answered, "Mr. Park did mention that different pairs can interview the same teacher," implying that we interview the same person.

She sighed and said, "Now, where's the originality in that?."

I laughed.

"You can have Ms. Ma, we'll just interview Ms. Ji," she said with a defeated sigh as she withdrew to Hyein, who appeared unconcerned.

Dani burst in, "Hep hep hep! Haerin and I are interviewing Ms. Ji," as she approached.

Hanni's gaze widened. She seemed like she was about to blow up, and she groaned.

What a poor, helpless creature.

Hyein shrugged, "I mean- I'm fine with anyone," noticing Hanni scowling at a...strand of hair?

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