Chapter 41 Mr. Zuo, come and interact on Weibo!

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For a while, everyone was scolding Qiu Nan, saying that he had ulterior motives, that he directed and acted in the film himself... in short, there was nothing good to say about him.

Some of Qiu Nan's fans who had previously taken advantage of Qiao Yun's traffic disappeared instantly. A newcomer with no works used such dirty tactics against the old staff in the company and even said that he would trample Qiao Yun into the mud. How vicious could one be to do such a thing?

The post in Qiu Nan's Weibo that mentioned that she had a good relationship with Qiao Yun was pulled out and criticized, and many people commented below.

[You are so shameless. You use Xiao Qiao's traffic every day without even considering whether Xiao Qiao is willing to pay attention to you! Not only do you use traffic, but you also use such dirty means to frame Xiao Qiao. I have never seen anyone more disgusting than you! ]

【Take Xiao Qiao away and don't play with Qiu Nan, the bad guy! 】

Qiao Yun looked at the fans who were comforting him under his Weibo, and happily clicked it to show Zuo Shilou.

"Mr. Zuo, I'm so happy."

"Yeah, I'm happy too." Zuo Shilou nodded and took Qiao Yun's phone away.

He pulled Qiao Yun to the bed, put a nightgown on him, packed the lunch box, and the aroma of fried rice filled the air.

Qiao Yun, who had been reading Weibo, smelled the aroma of food and suddenly felt hungry. His stomach growled, announcing his presence.


He had porridge last night and porridge today. Porridge is very easy to digest, but there were too many things to do today and he didn't feel hungry until now.

"Ask Mr. Zuo to feed it!" Qiao Yun glanced at the spoon, turned his head, and said to Zuo Shilou righteously.

"Open your mouth."

Qiao Yun cooperated and opened his mouth.

Zuo Shilou has become more skilled in feeding. Before, when he fed porridge to Qiao Yun, his movements were clumsy and he often got it on the corners of Qiao Yun's mouth. Half of the porridge was wiped off with the tissue.

Now Qiao Yun opened his mouth and took a bite of fried rice. He was so hungry that he didn't have the energy to do anything to tease others. He waited obediently for Zuo Shilou to feed him. The lunch box was very filling. Qiao Yun ate until he was 70% full and stopped eating. He stared at the dessert beside him.

Zuo Shilou wiped his mouth. Qiao Yun cheered, picked up the cake and started eating.

Zuo Shilou looked at the remaining fried rice, smiled, and slowly ate up the fried rice with the spoon that Qiao Yun had just used.

Qiao Yun took a look and felt a little shy. He slowly turned his back with the dessert spoon in his mouth. He scooped a large piece of mousse cake with the spoon, then turned around and handed it to Zuo Shilou's mouth, saying, "Mr. Zuo, open your mouth."

Zuo Shilou had just finished eating the fried rice and wiped his mouth when he saw Qiao Yun handing a piece of cake to his mouth.

He opened his mouth and looked at the cream-stained corners of Qiao Yun's mouth, which he thought was very sweet.

The two of them were so sweet here, not knowing that a wave of blood and gore had been set off on Weibo at this time.

Qiao Yun's fans scolded Qiu Nan harshly. Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, they looked at the melon carefully and found that everything seemed to be because of the person Qiao Yun liked.

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