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The chapter is all based on my imagination and things are baseless and nonsense here.

And if you guys have Missed the update of chp- 13 (18+) go and read it first.

You seem tired. Did you not sleep?

I-I uff I had sex with Ishan for like more than 6 hours. And just after freshening up here I am in a car with you leaving my Ishan alone in bed.

Are you mad or what? You could have told me I would have delayed it. I swear to god you are so stupid

You don't get to tell me I am stupid or not especially not after the stunt you pulled today. You might be wondering how I know that's because your friend Aditya picked your call and told me all about it.

Shut up. Still I am not the one who left my boyfriend alone in bed after having sex for more than 6 hours straight.

That's because you don't have a boyfriend Mendakk.

Fuck you
( Mayank said showing his middle finger. )

At Veer & Aditya's villa

Veer explained to Shubman that Mayank is not bad and all plans they had made. Shubman nodded his head and spoke to them getting engaged in their plans.

V stop once... Shubman we gave you every reason and proof to trust us but what reason and proof will you give us to trust you? Answer me

What do you want or need to know?

Your past with Shreya and how you met Bhavesh and everything by your mouth leaving no secrets out and that means including Abhishek's part.

I'll start with Shreya & I started dating. One thing was that Abhishek always used to be with me. That time Abhishek was going through a tough phase and I promised to be their for him. So wherever Shreya & I used to go I made sure he would tag along with us.

I did not know that would result in something wrong.
At my and Shreya's six month anniversary we went to the movies and we were out the whole day and till that day everything was alright. Then for 10 days Abhi did not come for practice and for cricket at all. When he came he stayed with some other friends and did not talk even for a second to me. I was deeply hurt and I took all my problems to my solution seeker Shreya.

Young Shubman
"Abhi he is not talking to me. He is my best friend and I don't know what I did to make him angry at me. Shru tell me what I should do."

But instead of telling me to converse with him she told me to stay away from him. She told me that I should leave Abhishek and that he is not good.

For the 1st time I felt that I do not like her that much. That she is not the one for me. I confronted Abhi after a few days .

Young Shubman
"Abhi what is wrong with you? Talk to me. Why don't you? You told me everything taking from the part that you can reproduce then why not this? If there is anything wrong I did tell me? If I proved to be a bad bestfriend then tell me I will make everything right."

Young Abhishek
" Shut up Shubman. Can't you see I am ignoring you. Don't talk to me. I have made new friends."

Young Shubman
"No answer me are you angry? About what? What did I do ? You are my bestfriend I can't let you be away from me for long"

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