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Where is Ishan?

He left.

Are you mad or what? How could you let him go?

I did not know what to say. I did not know how to hold him back because of the look he gave me when he told me I lied to him. When he told me he doesn't trust me when he told me he wanted to break up.
He was hurting inside and he looked broken. He was crying and then left me. He is not coming back he bid me goodbye.

Mayank is going to be here in a few minutes with Abhishek. What are we supposed to say to him?

Nothing we are done. We are done with handling the situation with decency like Mayank wanted. Now we will use my ways.
Laato ke bhoot baato se nhi maante.

( Veer picked up his phone and called one of his guys and put the phone on speaker . )

On Call
Veer- I need Vatsal & Shreya right now in the basement by hook or crook. Abhay get to work fast. Ask Varya , Raj & Shaurya to make Pankaj feel like hell. Make him experience hell and then it will be Shreya & Vatsal's turn.
Abhay- Yes
Veer- FAST RIGHT NOW. for Shreya get the girls
Abhay- But they will kill her & Vatsal both.
Veer- She will torture the hell out of them... Fast in an hour I need them in my basement tied up like Pankaj.
My brother Ishan was crying because of them .
( The line ends)
( Veer consider Ishan like a brother )

Adi track Ishan's phone

He does not have his phone. It's with Vatsal since yesterday night.

Let Vatsal be here first then we can find out about Ishan .
Ishan will be fine.

Ishan will definitely not stay in this city anymore. He will leave so look out for flights on his name. And where do you think Shubman Ishan will leave at a time?

I think he is going to back to Vatsal's Manor to get his things and everything. He also wants to talk to his parents so maybe he won't leave the city.

No he will leave the city. I am sure of it as I have studied Ishan & his history. He is a person who will leave the city. Ishan has done it before when he was heartbroken and his parents were also angry on him he left the city for a long time and did not come back till his mother bought him back.

Can we stop talking about Ishan? He just left me after blaming everything on me. When his own dear friend Vatsal is responsible for all of this.

( Aditya glared at Shubman. Veer was about to shout at him when Shubman received a punch from Mayank. )

You are in no place to say things like this.
There are countless times you made mistakes but he kept forgiving you. And if you are speaking about Vatsal let's speak about Shreya too. Yes yes the ex-girlfriend you found yesterday appropriate to hang out with.
She is the one who released the pictures & news . The pictures are all viral on internet but the news Aditya is blocking the website to prevent it from releasing.
And you see this injury on my head it's because of your ex-girlfriend Shreya. She did that to Ishan's car kept his life in danger.
And do not get started about blaming things on you. I have kept things hidden from Abhishek but I made it look natural unlike you who made it look obvious.
And you got to know about the plan few days ago and you have been behaving wierd from a long time.

I get it. I am wrong even if what I wanted was to do right but I did it the wrong away. I am frustrated that's why I said what I said.
You all need to understand me too my boyfriend my Ishu broke up with me. I have been in love with him since 5 years and he has been my boyfriend since 3 years.
I am hurt too.

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