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Ishu meri jaan what happened? Aren't you hungry? Why are we going back?

M-my body it hurts let's go to the room we can order there.

You have pressed the 8th floor but your room is on the 5th floor.

We are going to your room.
( Vatsal looks at Ishan standing uncomfortably. He gives a sad smile and pats his back. )

Jump let me give you a piggyback to our room. C'mon I can't let you stand uncomfortably. It's me Vatsal you can trust me.
( Ishan smiled and got on Vatsal's back but Vatsal swiftly changed it to carrying hum bridal style. )

YOU!!! ( Vatsal starts laughing)

Stop getting embarrassed I picked you up and left you in the washroom like this only an hour before.

At the room

Now are you going to tell me? What's wrong with my Ishu? Why were you alone in bed like that did you do something wrong and that was a punishment? That's why you were alone in bed?

No nothing like that.

Listen I have known you for a long time. I know when something is wrong with you.
Why Ishu? Why don't you trust me like before? You trusted me blindly who not now? Tell me what's wrong and what's hurting you I will make sure it doesn't.

You know Shub & I are dating. We love each other so much but I don't know why it feels like everything is fading away. My happy life our happy story, is going to go away. He has been distant and-and I don't know what to do.
I fell in a full submissive role for him acting like a kitten and I felt things would be like before b-but he left after sex. Now I feel like I am going to go into the sub space and last time I went in that I came back to senses after 13 days.

Why are things going wrong? What happened do you think?

I-I don't know. I mean I feel he has started keeping secrets and he has started lying. Maybe he is influenced by the presence of his---- nothing...

Just speak it out loud speak all your insecurities out loud I am listening. I will always listen.
You feel that Shreya he is influenced by her I mean by her presence because they were madly in love with each other before and did not break up on a wrong note just casually lost feelings and they can come back again?


You feel that he will cheat on you with her--

No no never I trust him a lot it's just that it hurts you know seeing your current being close with their ex. I just feel insecure but I know he won't ever cheat on me. He loves me and he won't ever do something that would hurt me intentionally. He won't ever go back to Shreya. He trusts me and I trust him?

But he did hurt you and he has been hurting you since the day we came back.

It's unintentionally he did not have any wrong motive. He loves me he loves me very much to him I am his whole world and I know he will make up to me even for hurting me unintentionally. He is my Shubie I know him.

If that be it. You wouldn't have been here crying. Come here come to me oh wait you can't walk properly let me come to you.

( Vatsal tried to ease the situation by a little teasing and went and hugged the sobbing Ishan.

Soon their breakfast came and they ate it in silence. )

I-I have wanted to ask you something? From a long time may I?

Together for life (ISHAN KISHAN × SHUBMAN GILL) Where stories live. Discover now