Love is such a complex thing. You don't trust anyone enough or you don't know someone good enough to really love them. But when you do it's too late.
Only when you can laugh with someone, write the most bullshit you ever heard, but also can cry with them, you can say, you know someone.
Did you know, that you saved my life?
The day we met, I never knew how important you would become to me, to my life.
Everything I knew, Everything I thought is different now. My view on the world changed. You changed me.
And yet you stick around.
I didn't had had the strength to admit it. I nerver had and I still don't have the strength.
So I write these words that maybe they reach you someday. But maybe it's too late... But thats ok.
Kurzgeschichten eines Schakals
Short StoryHier findet ihr kleine und große Geschichten von mir. Einige von ihnen waren mal ursprünglich eine Idee für ein Buch, haben es aber nicht soweit geschafft und sind jetzt hier gelandet. Einige davon sind schon etwas älter, was man auch am Schreibstyl...