Chapter Nine: The Rebel's Proclamation

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Adam's heart dropped.

Disbelief and fear rippled through the crowd. He and the other captains stepped forward but Admiral Wolfe stopped them. "No," he said. "Stay here with the imperial family."

Adam could see Commissioner Walker in the field. The police force had already mobilized. They stood at the ready. Admiral Wolfe walked towards Caelestis, who waved him away. "You cut my address and the Black Phoenix filled in the gap, you treacherous fool."

Admiral Wolfe stared at her as if he couldn't believe what she had just said to him.

"What is she doing?" Adam moaned.

"Caelestis!" King Samran bellowed.

Caelestis turned to face her father and Adam groaned again. She was angry and she was not even trying to hide it.

The high pitched screech ripped through the stadium again. Caelestis turned back to the podium and gripped the mic as if it would work if she strangled it.

Fire burst upon all the HoloScreens.

People screamed and it took a few seconds for everyone to understand that the fire on the HoloScreens were an image, not actual flames. A mad laugh echoed though the stadium.

It was the Black Phoenix.

On the HoloScreens, the lens zoomed back and then forward again, trying to focus on the ever-moving Black Phoenix, who kept flying side to side, gaining more height. Her feathered black wings sparked red and gold, beating against the dark winter night. Her black mask shone against the light from the satellite, covering her face and most of her hair.

"Hello, New Emerald! Back again for another Reflection Day address, I see! Now, I'm going to let you all finish, we all are very busy people, especially me, especially today, but before I leave you, I have something to say."

Her powerful wings beat against the sky. It was infuriating that she never broadcasted anywhere besides in the air. It was impossible to glean a location. It was admirable. But Adam could not let him think these thoughts at the moment.

"It's been eight years since all these pretty kids lost their lives for a questionable cause, and most of you are all still wondering why! No one believed me four years ago when I told you all that the crown prince of Irela and his friends had sacrificed their lives to bring back the Raven. Who would be stupid enough to bring back the real heir and abdicate the most powerful throne in the world? Your crown prince, that's who. Nikhil Simharayana was a better man at nineteen than you ever were or will be, Samran. You've all but given up on finding the family you once vowed to restore."

King Samran glared up at the HoloScreen with disdain and revulsion. His glasses flashed as he shook his head.

"But forget me! What about Ryan Murphy? The only survivor, your precious Lost Reflection of Irela, he tried telling you the same thing before I even existed! Right after the massacre, he was ready to tell you all everything, but no one wanted to listen. The Empire and its friends might talk about how they would welcome back the Daires, but in private, they would rather have them filtered out or ignored. But the Champions of Irela aren't going away! Your Phoenix lives! And once I find the others, we're going to restore the Raven to the throne and put Irela back to how it should be. And when that time comes, I wonder if King Samran will support the true heir or go down in history as the biggest hypocrite of the century. The empire will be put back in balance. Most importantly, these teenagers who gave their lives for truth and justice won't have died just to have their cause covered up by a bullshit memorial day. Fuck you, Irela! And fuck Reflection Day."

The Black Phoenix threw up her middle fingers and then kicked at the s.Crown recording the message. The camera shuddered and fell a few feet. There was only the slightest glimpse of the Black Phoenix flying away.

The HoloScreens flickered again and Adam found himself staring at Caelestis's face.

There was a dead, buzzing hum. 

Caelestis turned back to the restless crowd. "Irela," Caelestis gathered back attention but the crowd was lost in their restlessness. Caelestis stepped back from the podium and Adam felt as though his insides were being grated. Had he done this? Had whatever part he played lent itself to interrupting what Caelestis was trying to do? How could he have known? And what in the world was the princess trying to do anyway? 

Admiral Wolfe stepped towards the podium once more but she gave him one look and he froze.

"I stand with the Black Phoenix."

There was vocal dissonance. Below her, people looked up in even more confusion.

"I stand with the Black Phoenix!" Caelestis repeated. She threw her hands up at the HoloScreens. "Who among you even remembers the children we've turned into martyrs? I can barely remember my own brother's face sometimes, I can't remember his voice, but year after year I am forced to speak about him as if he still exists as some eternal spirit, just floating around us like a good luck charm! For years we've used their deaths as an excuse to validate our claim to war and leverage in so-called diplomatic negotiations, but are on the verge of a world war! And my confession is that I sympathize with the Black Crown movement. I agree with the Black Phoenix."

The stadium was absolutely silent.

"What we have tried has failed. We tried to rebuild from the tragedies within our own empire. For decades, we had have stood on the precipice of a war. And for centuries, we have treated our foes as friends. Irela, aren't you tired of having a knife at your throat and being told to say thank for not having it yet slit? I was called to stand before you to tell you we are safe in a dangerous world. Do you believe me? Do you want to? Would you dare do otherwise?"

Caelestis was angry, she was fiery, Adam had rarely ever seen her like this. All her diplomatic training had been tossed aside. This was truth and passion. This was Caelestis fighting for justice. This is what he had been looking for all along. Did he find it in the wrong place? 

"There is a reason the Black Phoenix exists. Why the Daire House Massacre occurred. Why eight years before that, the Daire House Chemical Fire destroyed the last descendants of Irela's last Raven, King Cillian. Yes, our empire is unbalanced, but instead of striving for equilibrium, we pour our efforts into masking our failures and pretending they have never happened. Voices are lost and appropriated. I, myself, have grown angry of being told what to say and how to say it."

"I am older now than Nikhil has ever been. I have seen changes in my family and empire of the likes that he would have never imagined. And as we forge a new path in the coming years, we will never succumb to the terrorism within our own ranks, nor from the fury outside it. We will heal our world, but we must begin with ourselves. Let the unknown fall upon us, let them come. Our pain has made us stronger. Our skin is thicker. Our eyes are wider. Our hands are calloused with hard work and determination. Our hearts are bold with hope and courage, and we are strengthened by wisdom, not vengeance. As I complete my time as Head Captain and begin my journey as the Heir to the Irelyn Empire, I strive to stand at the vanguard of our future, to lead and protect, to blaze the way for the rest. This is my promise to you. As Nikhil died, I shall live, by standing for truth and standing for you. It is time to merge the factions within our nation beginning with this city. I will stand for you and with you, every single one. Now give me your answer? Do you stand with me as I stand for you?"

The stadium burst into cheers and screams. People roared from the stands and pounded the benches. Someone had started to sing and hum once again.



"Hail Princess Caelestis!



"Hail Princess Caelestis!



"Hail Princess Caelestis!

Adam watched, jaw dropped. 

After a moment, Caelestis stepped down from the podium, gave a dumbfounded Admiral Wolfe an imperious nod, and strode back to her place next to her silent father's side.

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