Two Selfies in A Day

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The inky blackness, a void deeper than a tax collector's pockets, had wrapped (y/n) in a peculiar kind of peace. No longer the symphony of throbbing aches and exhaustion's sweet serenade, just a blissful, weightless drifting. Like a forgotten pool float in a zero-gravity pool party, she bobbed aimlessly, a silent astronaut in the cosmic soup. This delightful state, however, was as fleeting as a politician's promise. A tug, insistent as a telemarketer with a quota to meet, yanked her back from the brink of sweet oblivion.

"Ugh, for crying out loud!" she roared, the protest echoing in the vast emptiness. "Can't a girl get a decent nap in the void?!" But pleas fell on deaf, cosmic ears. The blackness imploded, replaced by a blinding white flash that felt like staring directly at a supernova on a bad hair day. "Ugh, my retinas!" she groaned, the familiar sting a wave of déjà vu washing over her.

(y/n) stirred, the sensation as foreign as a compliment from her gym teacher. The bed, unlike the usual unforgiving lumps of forgotten cardboard boxes, felt like a cloud spun from the dreams of unicorns. A gentle breeze, carrying the scent of freshly baked cookies (seriously, even the void had better food service these days), rustled through unseen leaves. Fluffy pillows, the kind that wouldn't flatten under a sumo wrestler's nap, cradled her head. The air, however, held a distinct medicinal tang, tinged with the faintest whiff of something unidentifiable. Not your typical hospital antiseptic, this. More like... alien disinfectant? Or maybe a mad scientist's latest batch of body-enhancement potion? Nah it's not,  I'm in the hospital.

Her eyes adjusted to the sterile white of the hospital room, the harsh glow of the overhead lights slowly softening. A wave of exhaustion washed over her, and she allowed herself a moment of indulgence, basking in the unexpected comfort of the hospital bed.

Her gaze fell upon her phone, resting on the bedside table. A mountain of notifications blinked impatiently from the screen, a testament to her absentmindedness. Three names stood out: SilverFang, Gema, and Charanko. A smirk tugged at her lips. She couldn't resist a little drama, even when half-conscious and battered.

Ignoring the nagging voice of reason, she snapped a selfie. Bed hair, pale skin, a hint of a bruise blooming on her cheek, and a forced peace sign – it was a masterpiece of self-deprecating humor. The caption, "I lived, bitch," was a perfect finishing touch.

She hit send, bracing herself for the inevitable barrage of worried messages. But a strange sense of satisfaction bubbled up within her. She was alive, battered but unbowed. And if her friends had to worry a little, well, that was their problem.

The phone vibrated in her hand, a constant reminder of the digital world waiting to be conquered. She silenced the notifications, a silent promise to address them later. For now, she needed rest, and needed to recover. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, the soft glow of the hospital room lulling her back into a state of peaceful oblivion.

The tranquility was abruptly shattered by a rhythmic tapping against the window. At first, (y/n) dismissed it as a playful bird or a wayward branch caught in the wind. But the persistence of the noise grew irritating, and with a groan, she forced her eyes open once more.

A grotesque, monstrous insect, a grotesque parody of a butterfly, stared back at her through the glass. Its compound eyes seemed to gleam with malicious intelligence, and its elongated, spindly limbs twitched with an unnatural energy. A wave of nausea washed over her as she realized the tapping was an attempt to force open the window.

Panic surged through her, but her weakened body refused to obey. The thought of fleeing to the door seemed like a distant dream. As if in response to her despair, the window shattered with an explosive crack, and the monstrous creature lunged inward.

"Resist your useless struggle and come with me!" it shrieked, its voice a grating cacophony.

A scream was heard on (y/n)'s ears when the sound of a startled shout echoed from the doorway. A nurse stood frozen, her face a mask of horror as she witnessed the surreal scene unfolding before her.

Defeat washed over (y/n). Escape was impossible, and resistance seemed futile. With a shrug that was more resignation than defiance, she replied, "Fine, I'll go with you."

The creature seemed taken aback by her sudden compliance. "What? But—"

"Carry me," (y/n) interrupted, her voice flat. "I'm injured."

The creature hesitated, then, with an awkwardness that was almost comical, scooped her up in its arms. As they soared upward, (y/n) couldn't resist a final, sarcastic remark. "Be gentle, and hopefully, there are snacks up there." Her voice was laced with a bitterness that belied her outward nonchalance.

Bu then , A sudden jolt of memory struck (y/n) like lightning. Her phone! It was still in her pocket. With a surge of reckless abandon that bordered on insanity, they fished it out. The monstrous creature, preoccupied with maintaining their aerial trajectory, seemed oblivious to the human's antics.

"Oi what are you doing?" the creature rumbled, its voice carrying a hint of confusion.

Ignoring the behemoth, (y/n) focused on composing a message. The words flowed with a casualness that belied the gravity of their situation. "Yo, gonna take a selfie for a bit, is that okay?"

A beat of silence passed as the creature processed the bizarre request. "W-what? No! I mean, I don't know... Just do whatever you want," it stammered, its composure visibly shaken.

Seizing the opportunity, (y/n) snapped a selfie. One hand cradled the phone, while the other rested casually on the creature's shoulder. A peace sign adorned her lips, a stark contrast to the absurdity of the situation. The caption, "Got Kidnapped," was added with a final flourish before (y/n) hit send. She sent the message to Saitama, a brother who, she hoped, would come to the rescue.

Back to Saitama and Genos

Genos stood over the defeated beasts, his metallic form gleaming in the dim light. The Armored Gorilla, the last remaining foe, groaned, its massive form reduced to a quivering heap.

"Tell me about your master," Genos demanded, his voice cold and unrelenting

The Gorilla wheezed, its voice a low, guttural rumble. It spoke of a brilliant but obsessed scientist named Dr. Genus, a man driven by an insatiable thirst for power.( ain't gonna write that whole shit of the talk)

"We're going," Saitama declared, his voice cutting through the tension.

Genos nodded, his face a mask of determination.

"Now?" Genos questioned, surprised by the sudden urgency.

"Yeah, there's a sale tomorrow. Can't miss it. But first, I need to check on (y/n). If she's awake, I'll order her favorite food," Saitama replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Master! I would like to meet (y/n)-san as well!" Genos exclaimed, eager to meet his master's sister.

Saitama's phone buzzed, interrupting the conversation. Two notifications from (y/n) appeared on the screen. The first, a simple "I lived bitch," filled him with relief and amusement, knowing that her sister (y/n) wakes up!. The second, however, was a shock. A selfie of (y/n) with the monstrous creature, the caption reading "Got Kidnapped," sent a chill down his spine.

Anger and worry warred within him. His sister was supposed to be resting, recovering from her injuries. Instead, she was in danger. A dark shadow seemed to cloud his normally carefree expression.

Saitama strode towards the Armored Gorilla, his demeanor changed. The casual hero was gone, replaced by a man consumed by a protective rage.

"Why did you kidnap my sister, (y/n)?" Saitama demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

The Gorilla's eyes widened in fear."O-oh, I didn't know that would happen. That plan... kidnapping your sister... it was supposed to be a different approach, where you are not agreeing to my Master. I apologize for not informing you from the beginning."

Dun Dun Dun to be Continued......

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