The unexpected..

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Han : but ..?

'I know the pain of one sided love ' said cheol tucking a strand of Hannie's hair behind his ear.Thier eyes locked for a moment making everything blur around them.It feels like their are in there own world where they belongs each other.

Han :'oh ' w as the only word that came out from Han's mouth.

'Yeah, I need to go class Han ,Bye ..' said cheol which somewhat sounded as sad.

Cheol got up from the bench and started moving until a hand stopping him by holding his wrist.
before he could say or ask anything Han started speaking :
'Senior,I need to ask something ' said Han visibly nervous.

'If it's anything about seokmin ,don't.He's safe with Jousha.' said Cheol .

'No ,it's not about them .It's about us .I mean ..'

You mean ?asked  Cheol raising his eyebrow.

Han still held cheol 's hand they both are standing facing each other .noticing this Cheol made Han to sit down on the bench while he sat beside him.

'Han ,you know right you can ask or say anything to me .Don't be nervous .I won't do anything or judge you 'assured Cheol softly speaking while looking into Han's dreamy eyes.

'I know and I trust you ,It's just I don't know how to say this.' said Han while looking staring down.

Trust means a lot to a Cheol and Han saying those words made his heart swell with warmness.

Han spoke catching Cheol's attention .

Han :I ..

Cheol : you..

Han : I ..

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