My music you are..

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'Do you know Hannie my fav song always been ENCHANTED by Taylor Swift ,it's really a pleasure to my ears but I never really got to understand the meaning or experience the feeling of having someone until i saw  you. .'Cheol started to revisit this most  unforgettable memory


Cheol just started his college life as third year student.Senior classes started a half month before junior classes and the college started giving them assignment.This end of the year he should choose what he really want as a career.He's a Business student and he truly love what he is studying but what he always thought of becoming is a racer.It's his childhood dream.He had always had love for bikes and being in field and racing his bike is what he really one day he thought of confessing this to their parents.His parents hesitated about that.Don't get them wrong they always loved their only child and that's what really stopped them to encourage their son's decision .They don't want their son get into accidents and hurt himself.Their conversation turned into a fight.(Not a physical one tho ,a verbal argument but an argument is an argument)

He angrily stepped outside his home and went to University without eating .Later when he get to University he remembered he had to submit an assignment given by lecturer and today's the last he again turned to home got the project work with him only to know the said lecturer is on leave which means there's still time left to submit.He sighed and turned his way to canteen only to find Shua his friend greeting him with a smile.

'What got u so upset?' his friend Shua asked shoving down a candy in his mouth.

'I just don't Know man .I feel like today's the worst day ever.You know what i got into argument  with my Parents which never in my whole life.' said Cheol with another without sigh.

'is it about your career? Shua 'asked only to get a nod in response from Cheol.

'It's okay Cheol,things happen ..let go of that thoughts ..They are your Parents so it's normal for them worry about you.You still have this whole year,let's convince them slowly ..Have you eaten your breakfast?asked Shua.

'no' Cheol replied shortly .

'I knew It.Let me order something for you real quick.' said  Shua and got up to order something for both of them.

Shua ordered a sandwich and choclate milkshake for Cheol and got himself a burger and latte.( Sorry guys idk whether these items are suitable for a breakfast  cause i don't really have an idea about Western food.)

Cheol haven't touched anything .He couldn't bring himself to eat.He's so worried about the fight between him and his parents. He really couldn't let go of his dream and he also doesn't want to disappoint his parents. getting frustrated he opened his playlist started playing soft music with headphones in his ears.

Suddenly his all time favourite song started playing as he laid his eyes on his love of life for the every first time.All the uneasiness and tension in his body started to fade away the moment he saw this angel .

This story's gonna complete in 1 or 2 episodes.So if anyone's interested in another fic which is obviously seoksoo one ,please do let me know so i will publish it as earlier as possible till then I hope you guys enjoy reading this fic.

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