heard about you

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Han's Pov:

'Hyung,I too missed you 'said another voice.

'Gosh I missed my babies.these are my babies ; even though i only met kwannie few times before going back to Japan we instantly clicked and they always kept in touch with me through messages and video call ' Han thought to himself as he felt two baby bears hugging him tightly.

' I missed you too my aegies (babies)' Said Han in a lovely voice..

The both babies backed off to let their hyung breathe .upon seeing another  person who exactly looked like their most respected senior they bowed in a polite manner.

' Hello Senior ,nice to meet you 'said DK in a polite manner with kwannie nodding along.

'nice to see you both and please call me hyung i have been saying you guys to drop the honorifics ' said Cheol with a smile.

'Wait you all know each other?' questioned han in confusion.

'Yeah who wouldn't know the Capital of sportz department and college's award winner in academics.' said kwannie ,the information knower of everyone.

' drop it guys.You can just introduce me as your senior.' said Cheol in humble way.

'This Man' not only a reliable person but also gud with academics,sports and a humble man ,he's exactly like my dream person.

Thinking that Han turned to Cheol and bowed a lil saying 'Thank you for helping me senior..'

'It's fine ,hope to see you again ' said cheol with a smile leaving Han with his babies.

'Hyung,spill it out' said kwannie ready to listen to  some tea getting spilled by hyung.

'what ?' asked Han rather being confused.

The three sat on a table in canteen which is far some the disturbance.As today's the first day to college opening for freshers ,there's nothing much to do.The classes or more likely the introductions will begin from the afternoon and students are free to do anything till then.

The food's already on the table as Dk ordered in prior. They started munching on their food as the both babies started questioning their Hannie hyung about meeting Seongcheol .

'hyung,how did he even talked to you in the first place Scoups hyung won't spare a glance at anyone ?' asked Dk .

'What ?' questioned Han.
He knew this Scoups .He heard this name from Dokyeom many times.

'Yeah hyung, He's the some one.. Scoups the nickname is given by sports coach for his performance. Scoups and Seongcheol hyung are the same person ,my Shua hyung's bestfriend.'Dk said in a most sweetest voice as he visibly smiled for talking about his Shua hyung.

Hannie disliked Shua .To exactly put it in words he hated how the older treats Dokyeom .He heard kwannie complaining  how this Shua guy treats  kyeomie but at the same time he also heard kwannie saying things like 'hyung idk why shua hyung only behaves like this with kyeomie hyung ,he's a gentleman for sure and both the hyungs (both Cheol and shua) even helped me one time when I lost my id card .they found it and returned it back to me otherwise it would troubled me so much .

About Scoups he didn't had much thought about him before ,he only hoped this guy would stop his friend to trouble his baby.

'Now that you've said they are the same person I understood why Seungcheol is also the Capital of sports department.'

He knew this Scoups is the Capital of sports department as Dk informs or shares everything.but he couldn't quite catch that earlier as he was flustered being with Cheol.

'Yeah ,now tell me how you guys met each other. 'said kwannie sipping his iced americano,his one and only obsession.(as for now🤭)

Han started spilling every detail of him getting lost to Cheol saving him and helping him to canteen.

'Wow hyung he really saved you .He doesn't really meddle with these sorta things ,he helps but will only gets someone out of trouble but more than that he walked you  here.' said Dk in almost sounding shocked.

'Maybe he liked our hyung' joked kwannie teasingly .

'Shut up kwannie ' said Han with red cheeks .

'Hyung ,wow aren't you blushing?' this time Dk joined with kwannie to tease their hyung.

'not you too kyeomie ..'

but his words are faded as something being announced in the speaker.

"Students ,who are freshers and also seniors are requested to gather in auditorium in an hour.Please do attend in 5 mins prior if possible.Have a nice day."

and that's how they started saying the remaining food and packed their things before moving to the said place.

Guys about Seoksoo you will get To know more about them in the new book "His Tough LOVE." I will try to publish that story as earlier as possible until then stay tuned..
                               ~Mythili ❤️

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