Chapter 1 - Angel Island Reformed

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Cloud Fortress is a temple thought to be created through the clouds, a religious order. Representing the sentient clouds are the forming an array of established laws. Cirrus is the arrogant one and constantly plays humor in every sentence he makes, Stratus is the most active one, where most situations are resolved by him.

Mammatus is the smallest of the owls and is often the messenger. Cumulus is the controller, he decides on the best course of action as he is greater and bigger in size compared to the others.

A draft flies amongst these clouds, a draft that was unusual as there was no draft in these clouds, Cumulus exclaims "The clouds are to be brought to death and so will we" "why?" demanded Cirrus. The expression of Cirrus's face went white as he realized Cumulus did not have an answer. 

"Stratus was sent out to investigate the anomaly hours ago and has not returned". "What if we find help" said the eavesdropping Mammatus "I can co-exist with the world below" Mammatus continues "Enough..!, don't be so ridiculous to think you, the youngest can help" stated Cirrus.

Mammatus continues to beg but stops as the silence is as good as any answer to stop. Mammatus goes in a huff leaving for her tunnel which is embedded in the great tree. Mammatus pondered to herself with many solutions but couldn't help the feeling that if there was one surely Cumulus would of known. However Mammatus's faith spoke more than her mind, so off she set flight upon the directionless winds, harvesting hope to save her home.

"A cool looking hedgehog that travels lightly and fast, Sonic is his name. Tails, a "two" good fox has taken up a career as a delivery fox with all those good for nothing squirrels..."

"Knuckles you can't write that" Sonic said while listening to Knuckles' story depicting his adventures. "Oh come on!, I've just started" Knuckles grumbles. "If you want to make this book island wide I don't think the squirrels will like it especially with the trouble you caused them" Sonic gloated. 

"Big deal, it was just a few stones" "those stones destroyed they're homes and one hit their boss" "I apologized Sonic" "really" Sonic said sarcastically.

"What are you!, Police!" "If I was you'd be the first one I would arrest" Sonic again said humorously Knuckles added "ha-ha, sure". 

"I just hope Tails wasn't affected by your series of hammer throws" "He'll be fine, just needs to watch out for those cheek growers and do you know they would eat us given the chance" "yeah sure Knuckles, it seems your conspiracies never end, first they were aliens" "they're both, I'm serious Sonic" 

"tell the tale to tails I'm sure he'll like to speak to you" "he'll just say a long spiel and then ending with, I act before I think, because... you know something it all sounds a lot like him" Sonic realizing he is getting nowhere lets out a "really...?"

"Here is your pay slip Miles, you could probably move to the big world now with the amount of money your making" 

"I don't think I could ever move away from here, you know my other work and.. I don't think the squirrels like me very much" Tails said to his boss as many squirrels sneered in his way while walking past. "I'd imagine it's your funny friends, Sonic he talks too much but is good in my book and... the red one" Tails boss shuddered not wanting to mention or give respect to Knuckles. 

"You mean Knuckles, he does get mad but that's just makes him well.. Knuckles. Woah! Is that the time, I need to go, bye Mr Pebbleful. "Be careful in this weather son,'ll need it"

Tails leaves towards the sky and flies towards the other side of Angel Island to Knuckles's home where within his garage he finds a sleeping Knuckles and a smirking Sonic. "Hey Tails how was work?" "It was fine Sonic" "Liar!" Knuckles talking in his sleep this is enough to bring Tails to his breaking point

 "ALRIGHT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH EVEN WHEN ASLEEP YOU ARE STILL A PAIN IN MY BACK SIDE!" Tails shouts and thrashes about Knuckles garage, Knuckles awakes but before he could get a word in Tails storms off "what's up with Tails, bad day with the squirrels, tell him I'll sort it out" Sonic only sighed "Nah its fine Knuckles go back to sleep" "I was asleep?" 

"yeah you bored yourself with that story you made" "you think your so funny don't you". "I'm going to speak with Tails you just stay here".

It is becoming dusk, Tails wanders through the darkness grumbling and in anger "why can't you let things be, Knuckles" Tails continues to mumble however a sharp whistle is heard, Tails looks above and witnesses a bright object with smoke coming from it also having a distinct smell to it. 

It strikes Tails as odd making him anxious as hears the foliage and trees rustling becoming quicker he decides to go back. "Tails!" Tails was suddenly greeted by Sonic "aarrahhhh!... Sonic why would you do that" 

"what was the talk we had multiple times?, Tails" "Knuckles is our friend and we should respect him, that's it isn't it" "no, it's that you don't wander off alone especially if it is because of Knuckles" "yeah your right, I'm sorry Sonic" "well good come on we'll go and make fun of his kitchen".

Sonic and Tails then turn around and get a fright from the echidna himself they shout in fear "Knuckles I thought I told you to stay home" exclaimed Sonic "last I checked Sonic I own this island so I can have you kicked off" Knuckles said with superiority.

"didn't seem to work against those precious squirrels of yours" "Hey I don't like smart people so quit your spinning" Knuckles then lowers his usually confidant voice "so... what's wrong with my kitchen?". Sonic and Tails are rushed to a frenzy trying to explain that they said nothing about his kitchen and attempt to reassure Knuckles.

"What's that smell, you know something guys how about I make us something to eat" Knuckles once again bursting into a good mood. The smell oozed of something cooking like it had been grilled. 

"whatever that is, it needs a lot of heat" as the seconds flew by it had got more warmer. "It kind of smells like your big tree, you know when I first came here" Sonic lost his usual grin as he came to the realization 

"when.. Robotnik.. burned... it".

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