Chapter 7 - Ants, a Bang and a Chaos Emerald

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"YESS!!, a Chaos Emerald...oh why are seashells in the ground, haven't seen one a while".

 Knuckles is seen digging away with the overlarge pickaxe when it chips a rock badly and shrapnel hits him in the eye, his screams were the most severe it has ever sounded, echoing throughout the landscape.

His eyes watering, he gets himself out of the hole he has dug out and lashes out which in Angel Island was a normal occurrence he grabs the pick and hits it off the ground and goes to throw it but stops.

 The pickaxe is dropped leaving its print onto this island's sand. Knuckles relaxes and takes in the view of the sea having viewed it from above from his island. 

Having a personal moment, its been a while he has been by himself in an unknown place. He takes a deep breath, "I love sand" he expresses his appreciation for the beachside as it had a distinct smell and was always coated by the waves.

Knuckles decides his break is over and continues to dig however there was now a new feature of the pick and that the hole it formed was coincidently an ant hill and there covered the pick was a large amount of ants all over the tool. 

Knuckles had expressed love towards the materials of this island, but if there one thing he didn't like, that was the species of this island exceptions being Sonic and Tails. His reasons being is that one is fast and one can fly.

Laying his eyes on this tragedy he grabs the pickaxe and using all of his strength he throws a immeasurable distance, not having a clue where it will end up but does he even care. 

"I HATE ANTS!!" he screams out once again "I'LL JUST USE MY STRONG AND MIGHTY FISTS TO DIG" and with that Knuckles like he was born again goes further into the ground going twice as fast. 

The reason to why he does this is that he believes he can sniff out a Chaos Emerald, i suppose he hasn't been proven wrong yet. 

After a long time being hours, the hole is a very large size, there sat an assortment of unusual items being bigger seashells likely from prehistoric creatures and there was a blue pick up truck with no engine.

But most importantly we had Knuckles covered completely in sand holding the blue Chaos Emerald, at this point Knuckles is very happy, you would be when you are doubting yourself and then all of a sudden you not actually as crazy as you think you are.

Knuckles sits down in his hole and he sees the ants in the the area they once had their ant hill spelling out "screw you". 

Knuckles has ran out of all of his anger and responds to them "fair", it was finally getting dark, and it seemed to be the moment where Knuckles will wow the others once again.

"RZYRZRZRZzzzzxz!" a noise was heard it was loud and piercing the air. Knuckles was alert and fully awakened, "what the, that came from the shack, no... it couldn't be danger right".

Maybe it was a trick of the eye but Knuckles once more paid attention to the ants. Using their bodies they spell out "yes" "thanks guys, sorry about your home i visit you guys again. 

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