Chapter 2 - Angel Island Rebellion

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Sensing danger ahead, Sonic speeds up to the top of an overwhelming boulder, Tails and Knuckles are taken aback and rush to see Sonic. 

Upon approaching Sonic they see what has alerted him, Tails speaks first "oh wow are the....." "MY HOOUUUSSSSSE!...." Knuckles cuts in as he witnesses his house having been put in flames with parades of squirrels circling the home of the echidna. 

The trio only observes: an amazed Tails, an angered Knuckles and an awkward Sonic, Sonic stays quiet to not escalate an already escalated problem all while Knuckles grew evermore in anger. 

Sonic knows Knuckles is not as composed as himself and Tails but does not know how far he would go.

After a silence that has drained them Sonic brings up the courage to make a move without involving Knuckles "Tails, you speak to them, see what their deal is" "yep I got it Sonic" Tails rushes away towards the withering bundle of planks and discarded palm leaves. 

Sonic attempts reassure Knuckles "It's not that bad Knuckles, you've still got your island" Knuckles struggled to let words out, eventually sputtering out "Their.. island..". Sonic rethinks his words and lets out an uncomfortable chuckle.

The squirrels stop they're marches as they hear the whirling of ones tails "its that no good fox" muttered one of the squirrels "enough" said Mr Pebbleful "he will see reason so have no worries".

"Mr Pebbleful what are you doing?.. are you insane?" "quiet fox! Do not intervene or we will make you part of our supper along with that salmon colored Knuckles" "but that means...." 

Sonic cuts in "Knuckles was right about you furry tailed guys after all a cannibalistic tribe from another planet" "well yes but I have no idea where this other planet has come from but I do have an idea of what a grilled hedgehog tastes like" "all I can say is that it's time for a good old fashioned beatdown" 

Tails interjects speaking to Sonic privately away from the squirrels. "Tails, what do did you do that for?" Tails is nearly white and ill looking and asks "ehm.. where's Kn.. Knuckles? "oh yeah about that..." Sonic retells his story...

Before Tails stood before Mr. Pebbleful whom threatened to eat his friends, Sonic and Knuckles watch from afar. "you alright Knuckles" 

Knuckles was on the ground stiff and stopped in motion, having one another of his mental breakdowns, he had stopped moving but his anger kept on going, so much so that his knuckles was going further into the ground. "You know what Knuckles"

Sonic continues, "I swear I only looked away for a second, and... and.." Tails asked "and what, Sonic?". 

"he went underground and could be anywhere.. but don't worry if he's coming I can stop him, no need to cause anymore trouble, we just need to be...." 

"Sonic! are you in school... dim witted are you, ever since you saved this island in your own twisted style, you expect us to reform to you horrible manners and your idiotic friends" Mr. Pebbleful said with a horrible vengeance in his voice.

"Need to be what" Tails said to Sonic "aahhhh theres no need, everything will be fine" "really" "yeah trust me". Mr. Pebbleful continues his rambling while Sonic sits idly and Tails nervously waiting, rumbling was heard coming towards the mass of squirrels.

The noise gets closer, Tails comes to realize that this may not be the squirrels but..."wait is that Knuckles" Mr. Pebbleful briefly freaks out however remains his ground as he believes himself to be superior to that of filth such as Knuckles. 

"So are you talk to me in the proper language or set me back years of profit agai..aaaaraahrarhrrhh" 

From beneath the ground, creating the still ground into rubble was Knuckles with his fist striking Mr. Pebblefuls furry chin into oblivion, Mr. Pebbleful is flown into the air and falls down unconscious, all the other squirrels are paralyzed with silence, unable to move as their employer is taking an early nap. 

"RIIGGHHHT! you puffy tailed, big teeth, small nose, abhorrent smelling, less than echidna scum, get ouuutt! Knuckles held himself back from forming a massacre. 

The squirrels who did look scared, all start laughing profusely, this only adds as shock as Knuckles is weirded out and freaked out and Sonic and Tails realize that there is something more to this situation and give very observant looks while still being confused. Knuckles gasps as it seems that one of the squirrels is recording Knuckles, "what the...." Sonic speaks his confusion. 

Only a moment later there is a massive rumbling, making the rumble of angered Knuckles look minuscule and of poor quality, the ground becomes unsteady and Knuckles falls over, as he is exhausted from his uppercut and constantly keeping himself upright.

Knuckles exclaims "see Sonic, ALIENSSS!". Sonic thought to himself "that cant be right, aliens.. thats just one of Knuckles's theories, but one things for sure, somethings going on". 

"Sonic this feels like the marble garden technology" Tails concluded to Sonic, "but that means" "better not be" Sonic said in slight anger.

Knuckles's house already in ruins went to be nothing of ruins as a mass of machinery erupts from the ground, disrupting the flow of nature and polluting the view, the machinery reached an unnatural height and resembled that of flytrap with big lanterns on the edges of the structure it was red with a bit of orange and purple, there was drill part but has detached and is laying by the side of the tower.

Before anyone could get a word in, a certain early bedder, surprises the three but not the squirrels as Mr. Pebbleful starts chuckling and goes onto full maniacal laughter his voice changes from the soft old man vocabulary to higher pitched and to a more pronounced and booming voice.

 A voice that is very familiar with the trio as they have heard over and over again. 

The body of Mr. Pebbleful rose from the ground unnaturally appearing to fall apart the first noticeable difference is that he has grown double the size with large protruding legs. 

Sonic and Tails grow irritated and form frowns whereas Knuckles is still obsessed with his alien theory and is beyond terrified. at last the supposed hand of Mr. Pebbleful tears away this apparent costume to reveal the man who endangers the whole world for his personal gain, the man who overshadows anything in his way, the man who defies and destroys.

"Robotnik!" Tails shouts at him, Sonic retains his aggression. 

"well... hmmm... you might as well be alien". Knuckles said now switching to more serious side of him as the sight of the mad professor. Dr. Robotnik stops laughing, he stands before the three menacingly and of ideas for revenge looming in his mind. 

"Your pathetic ideas are as dense as that powered emerald you keep upstairs" Sonic shoots in "what do you want, Robotnik?" 

"I have a proposition"

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