Chapter 4 - Beyond Nature by the Sea

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The winds were fierce, quick and incoherent, the air tasted of burning and you could not breathe at the force brought with it. 

Tails was hovering thanks to his gift of sudden flight to where he was carrying Knuckles who was still sleeping away. 

Tails was getting tired and anxious "c'mon Sonic where are you" the anxiousness grew evermore until it had finally burst.

Tails was constantly looking up for his hedgehog friend and below to his echidna bunkmate, at last through the river of dark clouds he seen a figure.

"Finally!, Sonic we're below the level!" he had shouted "hmmm?" Tails wondered why Sonic didn't reply in a awesome and cool way like he always does.

At a brief moment a spherical figure, a size similar to Tails himself, falls by them at a nearly the speed of sound as well rupturing the built tension.

"AAARRrrHHhhh!!!" Tails suffers mental agony as the realization hits him, somethings wrong. He quickly deduces that Sonic is unable to do what Robotnik asked and is somehow non-communicative and is spinning making him even more dangerous to help. 

Tails did the only thing he could do, he dropped Knuckles.

At a glance and done without thinking Tails suddenly dive bombs to the surface, due to the shape he had parallel to the waters below, he travels quicker than that of Knuckles and Sonic.

Tails caught up with Knuckles in fairly reasonable time 

"alright Knuckles, I have an idea" Knuckles had no reply but Tails grew more confident as his plan seemed to work in his head, he grabbed Knuckles and used the gravity and spined with him in unison. 

Tails planned to be thrown together towards Sonic, hoping to slow down, his speed of rotation.

As they are spinning, they get progressively faster and faster and eventually Tails sticks himself out causing the center of rotation to be altered and the two are thrown towards Sonic, but there is one problem.

"Ha! we made it..oh.." what seemed to be a solution seemed to accelerate the sphere containing the now three members. 

Tails moaned in frustration "WHHYYYY!! It was a fifty fiftttiiiiiieeee".

 "Sonic, you need to wake up or we are dead". 

Out of ideas, but not out of hope, Tails uses his last resort, his tails but at such speed how could the tails work, but that didn't matter, he tried and tried again but to no avail, his tails became damaged as they were twisted and cracking spouting agonizing pain, but Tails toughed through as he was more focused on evading himself and friends from dying.

After 20 seconds of trying, Tails couldn't feel his tails and became hopeless in this desolate situation, he goes to Sonic making countless attempts to wake him up.

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