Chapter 8 - Kinda Inexplicable

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Tails was awakened once again, he was greeted by an expanding desert with a single tree appearing to be massive, taking all of the attention from the horizon. Behind him was a sea with no land in sight which already unsettled him. He was resting under the shade of another tree.

There was a thud behind him, it felt powerful and lifted him slightly off the sand he was sitting on. Alarmed he stood up and made some distance between himself and the thud. The call for alarm was cut short as it was a dead fish, killed recently by the looks of it.

Before Tails could even think, a friendly and non-sinister voice was heard from above "Hey... I brought you food, don't know if your a fan of fish". Tails had no words but questions, his fear had not enabled him to speak. 

He had looked up and seen a bird creature with eyes that overwhelmed him to much to speak, This owl had silky brown feathers with white polka dots that struck Tails. "ok?" The owl asked concernedly. 

The owl jumped down and Tails further backed away again not letting out a word. The owl spoke again "I was the one who saved you, you know in the air". 

Tails musters the courage to at least say anything. "ehmm... that fish is quite big". The owl smiles "my name is Mammatus, or if that's too much ehmm you can call me Mamma" she said warmly. "Tails".

Tails sees that this character is good at heart and has no signs of danger, still battling his slurs of sleep he remembers the danger before "you attacked that bird thing, but your much smaller" she responds with a bemused look "no, I had seen it, it was strange, but it seemed to just turn off, and fell like it ran out of energy".

"The device" Tails not realizing the power of the device is what influenced the creature to become powerful and faster. Mammatus looked bewildered, "a device? do you have it with you" "No it will be in the sea with that creature".

"Where am I?" Tails asked, "Tails the Fox welcome to Auburnio, my home" What!!"

"ah well boss you did all you can, I thought 50/50 was a good idea". Dr. Robotnik built up a mass of frustration and released all of it. "you annoying build up of spit and snot, why don't you leave me be" Corey scattered everywhere in accordance of the rants of Robotnik.

Corey leaves as Robotnik awaits at the transport hub area, though it did seem quiet and a bit strange of Corey, Robotnik paid no attention to the matter. But what did grab his attention was two squirrel dressed in military apparels physically grab his shoulder. This shocks the Doctor to act in a frenzy.

"What do you think your doing, a bit of pick pocketing!" One of the Squirrels had spoken in a firm and commanding voice "by order of head of state, we ask you come with us", Dr Robotnik seemed to expect this "Fine" he initially obliged but as the soldiers pulled on his arms. Dr. Robotnik drops to his knees and lashes out like a toddler.

"I want my phone call" he exclaimed, he was dragged to an imprisonment camp but words that were displayed around were in Robotnik's language but was spelt wrongly but the word said could be recognized. 

He was thrown in to a small room without access to phones much to his dismay. From a large window there lied a yard that looked pristine and untouched. The nature of these Squirrel is so unknown to nature, I couldn't be their first captive, surely a big empire like this would have..., Robotnik thought as he letting his head get to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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