Chapter 6 - Something Out of this World

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Treetop Flowtown stood at unity and balance in its own but acceptable way, Robotnik was in the slithery metallic train in what appeared to be a restroom, in how he would use it, is another question. 

But he was not using the toilet or anything but was on a call or was trying to. In frustration "come on pick up"

 "yes" "VERONICA! If you want to stay on my payroll, you don't leave me hanging for an hour, these squirrels think I'm insane, I have a reputation to hold, so I don't look like a chipmunk to these critters".

To the outside of the occupied restroom all that can be heard is angry muffling which to many around can easily think to what is happening in there. 

A knock is heard "I'm in here" Robotnik manages to sputter out. Instead of a random civilian it was Corey "uhh the prince says 5 minutes and we're leaving"

Barely translatable Dr. Robotnik speaks "yes, be right there, I'm very excited".

Footsteps are heard leaving, "Right Veri dear, tell me everything well summarize, hurry I don't have long" 

Veronica sighs "Well I met Sonic, told him the directions uhhm... no update on that I met the fox and I've disabled the hologram cause he just wants to talk" 


 "yes he looked spooked of the dark and he wanted to show me this plain of grass he was wandering in". 

A long pause happened in between Robotnik is seeming to want to listen to more but that doesn't happen.

"What? That's it, what the hell have you been doing this whole time, your meant to fill in for me" 

Veronica speaks back like a protesting teenager "you're kidding you mean spy on them every day, why would I do that, I have a life you know"

" do you think your here talking to me" "screw you". 

Fueled by desperation "Wait wait, Veronica" "hmmm". 

Dr. Robotnik thought long and hard "if you do this, I'll...double the amount of machines you use in the lab" Veronica took a while to answer and replied with "cash".

"Fine!, you'd better do your job" "Yep" Veronica cuts off the broadcast further pushing the Doctor into a rant "you fiend only I end the messages!" 

Before calming down, he twiddled his moustache and pushed a lever presumably the one to the toilet.

He walks out only to see no-one in his vicinity but Corey "you were in there all that time using the sink" Robotnik flustered doesn't know what to say, "you are a genius professor" Robotnik replies back "well I only try".

"VERONICA!! Come back on and do something" Tails screamed he was pulled so far that he can't see the coast anymore let alone anything but the sea.

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