Luigi x Ghost Fem Reader

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As Luigi was walking through the eerie spooky haunted house he was using his flashlight out looking around the room for any signs of ghosts or his brother. He was shivering and shaking as he walked every step he took was a little twitch he did. He called for Mario's name every time a little louder.
As Luigi watched for any sign of humanity or his brother he heard a little giggle from what sounded like a female giggle.

He froze in fear and started to breathe heavily as he slowly turned around to see a ghost girl that was right behind him. She had a small smile and she waved at him giggling a little more as she got closer to Luigi.
Luigi shrieked in fear and fell to the floor crawling to the wall. He could feel the burn of his tears filling his eyes as he saw the ghost come closer.

"Why are you so scared?" The ghost asked him as she went next to him and sat next to him against the wall.
Luigi flinched a little but then calmed down a little. "I-I d-don't l-like g-gh-ghosts." He said sheepishly as he started playing with his thumbs nervously with his head facing down.

The ghost girl frowned and appeared in front of him. "I understand why you would! Most of them are rude, impolite, dishonest, and narcissistic people... But I'm trying not to be like that... I want to be nice to others."
Luigi flinched a little and blushed a little when he saw her in front of him. But he also widened his eyes he did not expect someone to say that. But he found it kind of nice. She was kind, playful, and patient from what he saw so far.

The ghost girl then remembered something. "Oh sorry I forgot to tell you my name how rude of me! I'm Y/n L/n! Or you can just call me N/n! What's your name?" Y/n got closer to luigi wondering what his response will be.

He blushed a little more when he saw Y/n get closer to him. He hesitated for a second but then responded quietly. "M-my name is L-l-luigi..." He then hid his face in his hat feeling nervous and shy.

Y/n smiled and got closer to him. "Wow your name is so cool! It sounds pretty!"
Luigi blushed a little under his hat but then took a deep breath and looked back up shivering a little by Y/n being cold.

"Oh sorry am I too cold?" Y/n backed up a little from Luigi with a worried look on her face.
He chuckled a little looking straight at her this time. "It's ok! Y-you didn't mean it." He said a little with a small smile on his face.

"Do you need help finding something here or need assistance? I heard you call out someone's name." Y/n asked as she took out a map that was in her pocket she gave it to Luigi she had a small smile on her face. Luigi hesitantly grabbed it when he opened it a few bugs crawled out of it going on Luigi's arms.
Luigi gave out a loud shriek as he shook his arms to get rid of the bugs.
Y/n gasped forgetting about the bugs that were hidden in it. She rushed over to him and started blowing them off his arms. With the big blow of air the bugs fell off and scurried away in the darkness.

Luigi started breathing heavily and laid on the floor curled up in a ball. Y/n looked at him in pity and sat with him.

"I am so sorry Luigi! I forgot about the bugs... Please forgive me... I understand if you don't..." She looked down as she said this feeling non existing tears in her eyes. But Luigi stood up and held the map open and looked at it and then held it in his other hand he then looked down at Y/n he smiled at her and held out his hand for her to grab.

Y/n looked at him joyfully and tried to grab his hand but her hand went through his. She giggled forgetting she can't touch humans physically. She got up herself and rubbed the dust off her dress and started following Luigi to find his brother.

Luigi looked at Y/n and started blushing a little. "Th-thank you Y/n for helping me..." He said shyly as he turned his flashlight back on. Y/n smiled and looked back at him "Of course! I love to help people! Also you are the first human I've ever met!"
Luigi gasped at this a little hearing he was the first human she has met and he felt butterflies a little and felt very special deep down when he heard this comment.


"Yeah! And I'm glad I met you! You are very nice so far! You seem very loyal to the person you are finding... Speaking of that who are you looking for?" Y/n asked as she looked at him as she scratched her head.
Luigi smile then fades a little remembering why he was here. "Oh... M-my brother... I'm looking for my brother Mario..." He admits sinking his head to the floor. Y/n then looks at him in pity and she walks infront of him.
Luigi then blushes when he sees her right infront of him.

"Hey! Don't lose hope! We will find your brother I promise you!" Y/n tells him she tries to grab his shoulders but her hands slip through his shoulders and Luigi starts to shiver again.
"Oops sorry..." Y/n then removes her hands and gets out of Luigi's way and walks with him around the Mansion trying to find Mario.

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