Mario x Sick!Fem Reader

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Mario looked around frantically for the thermometer in the medicine cabinet sweat falling down his cheek as he felt the nervousness fall down his stomach and spine. He shuffled around the cabinet pushing aside random pills and tools as his fingers tried to scurry around for the thermometer. 

He then felt the thermometer and grabbed it and sighed in relief as he walked back to his girlfriend's room. The nervousness getting to him. 'It might just be a small fever or just a cold!' He kept telling himself as his steps got closer to Y/n's room.
He then eventually made it to her room the door closed he sighed a little before knocking on the door lightly.

He heard a soft quiet voice come through the door. "Come in."
Mario then slowly opened the door seeing Y/n under her blanket shivering with some pills on her nightstand with a glass of water. Y/n had a tissue box right next to her as she sniffled and blew her nose as she sighed in annoyance a little feeling horrible.

Mario gave her a sad smile as he walked over to her laying on her bed. "Hey I got the thermometer. Am I able to check your temperature?" He asked softly as he looked at his girlfriend's head emerged from the blanket. "Sure..." She said as she coughed a little covering her mouth with her arm. After her coughing Mario told her to open wide and made the thermometer go in her mouth waiting to see if she had a fever or not.

Y/n mumbled uncomfortably waiting for the thermometer to show if she had a fever or not. Mario after about two minutes took the thermometer out lightly as he checked the temperature showed to be 101.2° F. Mario looked nervously Y/n had a fever he looked at her. "You have a fever you should get some rest!" Mario told her with a sad expression as he stood up about to leave the room about to turn off the light.

"Wait!" Y/n blurted out looking at Mario nervously. Mario looked at her curiously wondering what she needed.

"If you don't mind can you get me some soup?" She asked looking away anxiously hoping she wasn't being too much of a burden. Mario smiled a little from the doorway looking at her. "Of course! Any kind of soup you want?"

Y/n thought for a while staring at the ceiling "Maybe some chicken noodle soup." (And if you don't like that kind of soup you could change the soup if you want)

He smiled warmly at her rubbing his neck. "Do you want me to get anything else for you?"
Y/n shook her head as she continued to stare at the ceiling feeling tired and horrible.

Mario gave her a sad smile as he looked away. He went to Luigi's door to see if he was still there if he wanted anything but there was a letter on the door Mario grabbed it and read it to himself. 

'Sorry for leaving so suddenly but Daisy invited me to play golf for the day I'll come back around 4:00pm. Also tell Y/n I hope she feels better! -From Luigi'

Mario smiled at the note and put it back on the door as he walked to the kitchen to make some soup. Meanwhile Y/n continued to stare at the ceiling as she shivered in her blanket she could feel her throat become soar she tried to drink some water but it felt like knives stabbing her throat each time she gulped some water.
She sat there uncomfortable in her blanket her whole body covered in it she tried to rest and sleep but when she tried it felt useless. It wouldn't work for her the feeling of being cold and warm at the same time felt gross and uncomfy.

After around thirty minutes Mario finished the soup for Y/n. He felt proud of himself that he was able to finish the soup. He poured it carefully into a bowl he also put a small napkin and spoon next to the bowl and put the bowl, napkin, and spoon on a small bed tray and carefully walked over to Y/n's room making sure he didn't spill a drop. Thankfully the door was open so he walked in Y/n perked up when she heard Mario come in.

"Mario... You are just too good for me! You actually did this for me?" She asked in shock and thankfulness as she smiled a little. Mario giggled as he carried the tray over to Y/n. "Of course I would do this for you! Who wouldn't? You are very special to me!" Mario chuckled as he ruffled her hair playfully.

Y/n pouted a little playfully as she saw the soup in front of her she smiled at him and sat up a little as the food tray was placed on her lap. Mario sat on a nearby chair on the right side of Y/n smiling a little. Y/n noticed this and looked at him tilting her head as she blew the steam off the spoon.

"Aren't you worried I will make you sick?" She asked as she put the spoon up to her lips. Sipping the soup on the spoon.

Mario chuckled a little and shook his head. "I'd rather be here with you than you be alone during this." He then kissed her forehead making Y/n blush a little and giggle a little as she took another sip of her soup enjoying it.

"You like the soup?" He asked a little in a softer tone. Looking in her eyes with sympathy and also contentment.

Y/n nodded as she blew off the soup on her spoon and took another sip. "Yeah this is actually really good! Better than the time you burnt the chicken though!" She joked a little as Mario gave her a small bump with his elbow playfully as he chuckled a little by her comment.

"I hope it is." He said crossing his arms having a soft smile on his face. Y/n coughed once in a while but always kept a smile on her face knowing Mario was there with her she knew she would feel ten times better if he was there.
She was glad to have a caring boyfriend to be there in tough situations words couldn't explain how good she felt having Mario stay there always in a good attitude.
She couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

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