Flirty!Princess Peach x Male Guard Reader

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(Also my first time writing in a male pov sorry if it's bad)

Y/n nervously walked to the empty ballroom. The Princess asked him to meet her there. He didn't know why or what he had to do when there but he took a deep breath and opened the door to the ballroom slowly looking around for the Princess anywhere. He then saw her in the middle in her pink gown but it looked a little different than usual.

(Here's what I think she would wear based off my imagination and pintrest)
(Also P.S) In the middle of the dress will be her usual blue gem she has on her usual outfit

S) In the middle of the dress will be her usual blue gem she has on her usual outfit

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She then turned around the dress she had on moved with her gracefully and smoothly. She smiled as she saw him and she walked up to Y/n her dress moving with her elegantly with each step.

"Why hello Y/n!" Princess Peach greeted bowing a little as she chuckled.

Y/n blushed a little and he took a deep breath making sure he was calm and ready to speak. "Hello Princess Peach." He greeted her formally bowing to her making Princess Peach smile a little. After a few seconds Y/n stood back up staring at Princess Peach's dress which he had never seen before.

"You are quite the gentleman aren't you." She said flirtingly bending down a little to kiss Y/n's right cheek.
Y/n's face immediately turned bright red not expecting that. He then stared up at her flustered and kind of confused.

"U-uh wh-why did you call me Princess?" He stuttered a little as he spoke still feeling flustered and the red still on his face.

Princess Peach chuckled noticing how flustered and fuzzy he seems inside. "I thought maybe since I don't have much work today. We could dance together." She answered giving him a small smirk as she held her hand out.

Y/n looked at her and her hand he didn't notice this before she didn't have her gloves he was able to actually see her hand for the first time.
"B-but.. I don't know how to dance..." He admitted looking sheepishly to the side.

Princess Peach chuckled and grabbed Y/n's chin and forced his head to look at her. Princess Peach's hand felt warm and soft against Y/n's chin he couldn't help but turn more pink mixing with the red on his face. "You thought I wouldn't teach you? Don't worry my darling you'll be a natural once I teach you!~" She responded confidently she let go of Y/n's chin and backed up a little.

"You ready darling?~" She asked in a playful way as she stood up straight staring right in his eyes with a smirk in her eyes. Some waltz music turning on from a little record which Y/n didn't know who turned it on but forgot about it watching Peach teach him how to waltz.
(That's the song that is playing in the background if you were curious.)

Y/n nodded nervously as he walked forward to Peach taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Peach giggled a little at his nervousness.
"First you raise your left hand up." She explained one of the first steps. Y/n raised his left hand while also perfecting his posture.

The Princess nodded with a small smile on her face. She then used her right hand to hold his left hand raising her's high. Y/n blushed a little but didn't worry about that. Princess Peach couldn't help but chuckle seeing his reaction.

"And I hold your shoulder with my left hand while you hold my shoulder blade with your right hand." She explained as she held his shoulder tightly and while Y/n nervously held Peach's shoulder blade. She moved to the right a little to create space for dancing.

"Now while moving you have to follow around in a kind of imaginary box like this." She told him moving a little forcing him to move with her. She backed up forcing Y/n to go forward. Her left foot gracefully slid to the corner of the 'Imiginary box' her other foot meeting the left one. Then she moved her right foot upward to the corner of the box and soon her left foot comes with it and she did the same steps a few times with him making sure he watched her do it before he was ready. After a little while she looked back to him.

"You think you're ready now?" Peach said looking into his eyes with a small smirk. Y/n looked more confident now looking back at her. "Yes I think so!"

Peach smiled at him and then took a deep breath and then stepped back letting Y/n lead the dance. Y/n stepped forward as Peach stepped backwards as their arms were connected to each other. They both stepped into the imaginary box corners as their moves were graceful yet still needed work.

Y/n accidently stepped on Peach's heels a few times but was still doing an amazing job keeping steady and keeping his posture perfect not slouching once. Peach smiled as she looked deep in his eyes "You know as a rookie at dancing. You are pretty good better than I expected!~" SHe complemented him. He smiled a little chuckling a little. "Why.. Thank you. I thought I wasn't doing well." He said blushing a little.
Princess peach shook her head. "Only stepping on my foot a few times isn't so bad! I was making those same mistakes when I was learning!" She said hoping to raise his spirits. Which kinda did help him as he smiled a little more confident.
"Really?" He asked curiously. Letting his right arm lower and Peach smiled knowing what he was ready to do she then felt his right hand go high as Peach twirled around. Her hair flowing around fluently. The sunlight reflecting off her hair making it shine beautifully making Y/n blush and smile softly as he got ready to get back in the position he let Peach hold his shoulder while his hand went to her shoulder blade as they continued the waltz again.

Peach looked at him amazed with a small hint of blush on her face. "H-how did you do that? You must be a natural!" She complemented him kissing his cheek making Y/n blush a little.
"I-I don't really know... It just kinda came to me I guess..." He chuckled a little. As for the rest of the afternoon they continued to waltz happy in each other's pressence. Hoping it never ended they wished to do this forever just dance and be content with each other.

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