Stressed!Pauline x Assistant fem reader (Requested)

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"Ugh. This can't be happening right now! Not this early!" Pauline grumbled loudly to herself as she read through the emails nervously scrolling and reading them all sweat pouring down her forehead down to her cheek like a race as she held her head in annoyance and stress.
Pauline's eyes stuck on one specific email. Her heart racing seeing the text that was plastered on her computer screen.

A knock then came from the door. Pauline's trance was paused when she heard the knock and then sighed a little and then stood up and answered the door. There stood one of her assistants. Her favourite assistant.

"Sorry I came a little late the coffee machine was broken so I had to go to a coffee shop instead! The coffee machine is currently being fixed but it will be about done around tomorrow." Y/n exclaimed holding the coffee cup her hand shaking hoping Pauline wasn't angry at her.

Pauline's eyes soften a little seeing Y/n. She felt her stresses fall off a little and she sighed softly. "No worries at all! Also I can't believe you did all that hassle for me Y/n!" Pauline replied grabbing the coffee smiling a little as she took a sip of the coffee.

"Well of course! That's my job Madam." Y/n replied softly as she smiled watching Pauline taking a sip of her coffee now happy she knew Pauline wasn't angry at her.

Y/n looked around the hallway looking at the potted plants and rugs wondering if she had anything else to do. Y/n then cleared her throat nervously and looked back at her boss.

"A-anything else I could do Ma'am?" Y/n asked rubbing her knuckle nervously as she tried to keep eye contact.

Pauline looked back at Y/n and smiled warmly and then looked back towards her desk. "Umm... Uh... You could..." Pauline stuttered not really knowing what for Y/n to do. Pauline's mind went back to all those emails.

Y/n looked at her tilting her head a little wondering what she would be doing or if she was just be useless for a while waiting for her next task.

Pauline then thought of something and then looked back at Y/n. "You could help me with scheduling some meetings!" 

Y/n's face dropped a little but she shook her head a little and looked back at Pauline. "Sure... Um... Alright." Y/n answered and walked in Pauline's office admiring the Dark Cherry shade wallpaper and the big windows that were perfectly symmetrical that showed the huge and wondrous city through the glass.

Pauline chuckled and followed Y/n in and closed the door behind her and went to her computer and closed out of some documents and unimportant emails and went to the important emails that Y/n was tasked to make a date and time that was good for her and the others. Pauline sat up and let Y/n sit in the desk chair.

Y/n hesitated before sitting down going through the emails writing responses of good times Pauline was able to attend on those days. Pauline was behind Y/n feeling a lot better and calmer knowing she will have less work but she also felt kind of bad.

"Look I'm sorry for making you do this even though you probably haven't scheduled this kind of stuff before." Pauline apologised awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck looking down a little.

Y/n then turned to Pauline.

"I don't mind at all ma'am! It's my job! What kind of assistant would I be if I didn't do your requests." Y/n assured Pauline with a small smile on her face.

Pauline looked at Y/n with a big smile on her face. "I'm so grateful you are so understanding and helpful no matter the circumstance. You spent your precious time getting me coffee from a cafe because the coffee machine was broken! I'm so glad you are my Assistant Y/n!"

Y/n looked back at her with a wide smile feeling glad she heard those words. "And I am so glad you are my Boss Pauline!"

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