Clingy!Pauline x Rosalina (Requested)

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It was currently midnight Pauline tossed and turned not able to sleep. While Rosalina was currently snuggled up in the blanket snoring softly as her hair glowing in the moonlight.
Pauline also was snuggled up in the blanket and was staring at the ceiling wide awake she was tired but not able to enjoy dreamland just a few moments away from her.

She groaned softly rubbing her head looking over to Rosalina smiling a little she looked so pretty sleeping and she looked like she was glowing under the moonlight a soft glow.
Pauline wished she was her all content and peaceful as she was in her dreamland. Rosalina mumbled little nothings in her sleep with a small smile on her face.

Rosalina then turned to Pauline while she continued to sleep on. Pauline chuckled softly and turned to her staring at her messy yet pretty hair. Pauline softly touched some of Rosalina's hair and started petting it.

Pauline felt a smile pierce her face feeling Rosalina's hair. It was soft and fuzzy it also smelt like a nice lavender field. It made Pauline feel calmer and more relaxed as she continued petting it. It felt addictive each time she grazed her fingers in Rosalina's hair.

Pauline then had an idea to help her fall asleep. Pauline then wrapped her arms and head around Rosalina's warm and cozy body. While Pauline held Rosalina in her grasp Rosalina woke up looking at Pauline with light pink blush on her face.

"Wh-what are you doing? I'm trying to sleep!" Rosalina whispered quietly to Pauline.
Pauline smiled cuddling Rosalina a little tighter.

"You are my new pillow! I can't sleep with any other pillow!" Pauline responded planting a kiss on Rosalina's forehead. Pauline then put her head on Rosalina's shoulder.

Rosalina started to blush more giggling a little at Pauline's clinginess. "You always have to cuddle me don't you?" Rosalina joked a little petting Pauline's head lightly feeling the moon light shine on both of them. Pauline chuckled a little feeling her eyes become heavy with the feeling of comfort from Rosalina's body heat.

Rosalina continued petting Pauline's head feeling her eyes become heavy too. Pauline let out a yawn as she let her head go closer to Rosalina's shoulder. Rosalina rubbed Pauline's head a little more giggling at how messy it was.

"My my, your hair is so messy! How much have you been tossing and turning?" Rosalina asked as she continued petting Pauline's hair.

"Oh a lot! I don't know why. But you are the best pillow!" Pauline said cringing at what she said a little. But Rosalina chuckled and then kissed Pauline's head. 

"You are too sweet for me!" Rosalina chuckled running her fingers In Pauline's hair.
Pauline blushed a little but then looked up to Rosalina and cuddled her a little tighter and kissed her left cheek. 

"Good night Rose!" Pauline whispered to Rosalina closing her eyes. Holding Rosalina in her arms like her personal plush.
Rosalina chuckled a little and kissed Pauline's right cheek. "Good night Hun!" Rosalina replied with a soft whisper cuddling into Pauline clossing her eyes falling back into dream land.

Pauline finally fell asleep finally able to visit dreamland for the night her body holding onto Rosalina's body while she slept. She now knew she had the best pillow in the world!

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