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"Who shot you?" I asked her as we stopped saying 'I love you'. She shook her head.

"I don't know."

"But I find it weird that someone shot you right at the moment you said you're better of dead." I said letting go of the hug.

"Who knows (y/n). Before I die... Can you tell me joke?" She asked grabbing my hand tight.

"Fine." I said thinking of a funny joke. "What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?" I smiling and about to burst into a fit of laughter.

"What?" She asked not even thinking of it.

"A lilly pad!" I said laughing but she shook her head not liking it. "Hey, that was funny." I said stopping from laughing. "Fine, what part of a house does a ghost not have?" I said holding my laughter again.

"A living room, heard it before." She roll her eyes and I thought harder.

"Why couldn't Gerard and Mikey Way pass the road together?" I said remembering a joke she told me a long time ago when she begin to obsess with My Chemical Romance.

"B-because it said o-one way!" She said laughing really hard with me.

We mumbled an I love you at the same time and then,


Our laughter became silence. The room didn't make any noise besides (f/n)'s heart monitor signing she was dead.






I began to sob, "No~! (F/n)! Don't you fucking l-leave me! You can't!" I screamed into her arm and doctors came in the room taking me out. "I'm so sorry." The nurse that called me in the beginning said with a sad look. I nodded and looked behind me to see a really tall Andy. We wrapped our arms together around our waist and stood there. I felt bad for showing my weak side to people but this hurts, a lot.

"What was her last words." Andy asked walking back to the waiting room. "I love you." I told Andy and he nodded. We stood there just hearing my sobs and listening to nurses. That night the BVB boys left before my parents woke up. "Text me when you're home so I know you're safe." Andy said about to enter the car with the other guys. I nodded as he kissed my forehead and entered the car. As I was waking backwards we waved at each other and I entered back in the hospital.


Today is the day of the funeral. My parents and I wore all black from head to toe. We walked to the car and drove off to the funeral.

Since (f/n) died Andy and I have texted non stop, well that of course when he has time. He did ended up telling his manger about me. He said Andy had to say 'no comment' when they ask him about the pictures and stay closer to Juliet. Juliet and I texted and we actually have been good friends. She confessed she liked Andy during this whole 'fake dating' thing but she found someone else in mind. I'm glad she didn't bitch at me, she's so nice.

I have been so sad since that day-who wouldn't? Now I know how she felt when her parents passed away. I wouldn't say I'm depressed until a doctor says I am. Resurrect The Sun has been on replay and I barely leave my room now a days. When I got back home I locked myself in my room and cried. Cried. Cried some more. Cried when I woke up. Cried myself to sleep. Cried while taking a shower. Cried while eating. Cried for anything. The only time I leave my room is:

Going to the bathroom, eating, or going to Church.

My thoughts on Church is all over the place. When I'm in my room I think of life. If there is a God, why did he have to take (f/n) away? She believed in Heaven and Hell, why would he take her away when I was taking care of her, she was the only one I could trust with all my heart? If there was a God, why would he let Elijah abuse (f/n) in so many bad moments? If there was a God, why would he take her away from me to suffer? Why would an all powerful God do that? Sometimes I really don't want to go but I know I need to for my parents but I don't want to.

Its been two weeks last time I saw her. Last week my guy friend, Josh-who took away Elijah away to not worry about (f/n)- called me saying something that made me laugh.

"Hi (y/n), I have news." Josh said with a happy tone.

"I do also, Josh. What is yours?" I asked.

"So when I went to pick Elijah up to who knows where, he was already drugged up at his house so I looked around his house and gave him shots I found laying around. I stayed at his house all this week and he never woke up so...I called the police and they put him in a mental hospital for life! Now (f/n) can be free away from him! Isn't that great?" He asked cheerily.

"Yeah it is but, (f/n)...died." I said and we cried together.

I explained to him what happened and invited him to the funeral.

"You're okay?" My mom asked me breaking my thoughts. I nodded and looked outside the window again. She looked away and kept talking to my dad so I pulled down my black bracelet and looked down at my tattoo. The small black key starred back at me and a tear fell down and touched it. I pulled the bracelet back up to cover it.

How was my first chapter in this book? I'm sorry if its bad I'm not good at it, I know.

I'll update on Wednesday. Umm, oh Muke_phan is sorry for making some of you guys cry last chapter and she said I needeed to make (f/n) die in this one sooo yeah, blame all that on her.

Dedicated to: ninjagimasterlloyd

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