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Danny Elfman-
This is Halloween.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat 'till the neighbors come and die of fright It's our town, everybody scream in this town of Halloween.

It's Halloween and Andy said he got me a surprise. I haven't seen him in a month and I just want to hug him forever. He's leaving in the morning but it's okay, it's better than anything. I got ready in my costume for work, yes our store says we need to dress up. I find it easy because I don't need to wait until night to change. My costume this year is (whatever you want). After I was done I walked out my house after yelling at my mom a goodbye. I been saving up money to pay for my classed that I have starred. I'm learning psychology to become a social worker.

I've noticed my self esteem has gone lower by all the things that has happened around my life. Mom says I should go to a doctor because I've been having tons of headaches and my chest hurts. I'm going tomorrow so I'll see how that goes. I walked to bus stop and sat at a bench. I can't wait to see Andy. I fixed my hair and saw a bus pull over. I hopped in and waited to get to the mall.

"Morning Brandon." I said heading to his way to give him a hug.
"Morning. Nice outfit." He said.
"Thanks. I like yours too." Brandon was wearing all black and his make up was a Skelton.
"Ready to see your boyfriend tonight?" He winked. I blushed and punched his arm playfully. Heading to the back to sign in I looked at a mirror and observed my face. I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and I looked down at my hand seeing all the scars. I sighed and continued work.

I walked around the store restocking new anime merch. A girl walked to me and asked for a picture and I smiled taking a picture with me. "He has given you a lot of fans." Brandon said from behind. I jumped from a small jumpscare and moved my head to a side.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I mean. Since you guys started dating and he's famous and everyone knows you're dating him. You're earning fan base. How do you feel?" Brandon asked.
"Well, reporter I don't care if I get fan base or not." I started as I went back to what I was doing. "I don't care for all those things. I just really like Andy for him being himself and that's all I care for." I said shrugging.
"Awe. That's sweet. I'm starting to like the idea of you guys dating." Brandon smiled and turned around walking to the band tees. I sighed missing Andy.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked to see some one I didn't. My dad. "Welcome to hot topics, need help?" I asked pretending I didn't know him.
"You work here?" He asked.
"Need help finding something sir?" I asked again ignoring his question.
"Why are you working at such a satanic place?" He asked.
"Sir. There's the band merch. Over there is Halloween costumes, I think there's a slut cat costume for sluts if you know-"
"Shut up!" He yelled making every one look our way. He turned red and ran out the store. Brandon looked back and had a look that said "you okay?" And I nodding going back to work.

"What a fuck. You did the right thing. You don't need people like him in your life. A person who kept a dirty little secret from you." Brandon shook his head pointing his spork at me. "He needs to learn how to fuck off. You're 19, in college--in a way. Have a boyfriend who takes good care of you. You're basically an adult and yes he'll forever be your dad but you make your own decisions now." Brandon said looking down at his food picking on his orange chicken.
"I know. Thanks. Ahh, why do I have to live?" I chuckled wanting to crawl in a ball.
"Hey, you have reasons to live don't say such a thing." Brandon frowned.
"Sorry it's that I had a perfect life you know. Now it's doing down straight to hell." Brandon smiled nodding. Brandon had a rough pass as well. His mom died at seven years old because of his dad so he became an orphanage. A family adopted him at age 10 but he would go to therapy for depression and anxiety. I feel bad for him because he grew up anti social so he didn't make a lot of friends.
"I'm glad I meet you Brandon. Thanks for being here for me." I smiled making him grin.

After lunch with Brandon we head back to the store to stay for another half an hour then we could leave. People who came were just teenagers buying last minute costumes or little kids coming for trick or treat-our mall stays longer for kids to pick candy from store to store making our hours longer. When it was time to go we singed out and walked out the store.
"I was thinking if you want to go trick or treating with me and Andy." I suggested. That wasn't the plan at first but I want free candy so I begged Andy for us to go. After hours of begging he said yes.
"Umm... I don't have any costume. I just did my make up so boss wouldn't yell at me." He giggled.
"Oh c'mon it'll be fun! Please. Your face painting is amazing just go buy something that goes with it."I said pushing him back to the store.

After we bought Brandon his costume we head outside to his car and head to my place. We agreed that at eight he'll come and pick up me and Andy. I didn't know if the band members are coming or not so I told Brandon he could bring one friend. We said our goodbyes and he left. I waited for Andy to come at five so I had an hour. I redid my makeup and stayed in my room going through tumblr. Mom was working so when Andy comes she won't see him and know I went out. I wonder if I'll ever get caught?

I heard the door bell ring and I ran to the door. When I made sure it was Andy I jumped in his arm making him stumble back a little. "I missed you." He said kissing me.
"Me too." I said hugging him tighter. My legs were still around his waist and he brought me in the house.

Hello sorry for late update.
Chapter to LillyGraceValentine

Bye lovelies.

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