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We got to the cemetery and a preacher was there in front of (f/n)'s coffin. Some of my family members were there just to be there. Only (f/n)'s aunt and two cousins were there and that's all. Once he was done saying speeches from the Bible and other stuff it was time for me to say words.

"(f/n). How can someone describe her? I remember when we were kids how happy she was because her parents were the world to her and she was happy they were alive. Once they died she broke down and didn't act like herself. She grew depress and I was her only escape. I'm happy to say I was the one to make her smile. She was my best friend. She was my worst enemy. She was my therapist. She was my mom. She was my sister. But, she was the person I loved more than to the moon and back. I loved her more than the whole galaxy and back. I-I love you more t-than I can scream." I said holding in my tears but sobbed by the end. Everyone nodded as I finished and looked behind me to a close coffin. It broke my heart knowing my best friend was laying in there, dead.

I sat back down next to Josh and he let me place my head on his chest. He rubbed my back as I sobbed seeing some random guys putting the black coffin way deep in six feet under ground.

I wish this is all a dream. I'm still in the hotel with (f/n) the day right before Warped tour and all of this is not happening or has happened.


After the funeral we all headed to our own house and I went to my room. Locking my door I grabbed my earbugs and put on shuffle. The first song that played was 'Welcome to the black parade' by My Chemical Romance. I laid my back on my bed and my head off the edge of the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep hearing to music.


I woke up because I fell off my bed causing my head to hit hard on the floor. I groaned as I stood up and at that moment the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Andy. "Hi." I said with a smile hiding my saddens.

"Hey, honey. H-how was the..." He trailed off into silence. Sighing, I knew what he meant.

"Oh.... Um, you know.... Sad?" I said more like a question.

Andy sighed. I could tell he didn't want to talk about (f/n), neither do I. Josh told me it's not good to cry and fall into depression but, it's my best friend we are talking about. Of course I'm going to be sad. "So, it's been two weeks since we saw each other face to face. I know I said we can meet up on September but, you need someone to comfort you now a days. Wanna met up this week?" He asked after a long pause of silence.

Our conversation went like we knew each other for years but little did Andy knew, I was dying. Drowning myself into my own saddens into plain space. Who would notice anyways? Only I know and no one else, not surprise. Only (f/n) could tell I was sad or something was off. Andy and I would talk about past life story and it was supper okay with me. It made us know more about each other that others didn't.

"Yeah. That would be fun. When and where?" I asked and we planned out what we'll do.


Today I was going to buy new clothes with my mom. "So. I was thinking... Since school finished if you wanted to go to university or get a job?" She asked as we walked into the mall. I knew this question would pop out. Of course I'll choose University for sure but I don't know what job I want.

"University, duh. But I should get a job so I help with the bills of the school I'm going to." I said looking at the stores around us.

"Great! Have you seen a school you want to go?" She asked with a grin from ear to ear.

"No, not yet but when I know I'll tell you." I faked a smile and walked into a forever twenty one. I wasn't a huge fan for that store.

Most of their clothes are exposed and I'm not that type. I'm not that skinny neither that fat. I just go there for plain color tank top or black skinny jeans. If I see a sweater that looks cosy or a long sleeve, I'll buy it. Their clothes just made me feel insecure of myself.

My mom bought some shirts from the store and I got another black skinny jean. "You know you can't wear black your whole life?" She asked and I nodded. Ha, sike! I nodded so I wouldn't get her mad but I know I can, I do what I want. "You should get a job here at the mall." She smiled at her idea as we left the store to enter another. I just nodded again, liking her idea.

"Ahh! Maria! How are you?" My mom said as she jumped into some strangers arms and laughed. They started talking and the woman-Maria- asked who I was. "Oh! Yes, this is my daughter, (y/n), (y/n) this is my best childhood friend, Maria." We shook hands and my mom said I can walk alone as she talks to her friend.

I walked around the mall looking inside different stores until I recognized the familiar black and red store. Hot topic. I looked around so my mom wouldn't be near and I entered running to the band tees. Butterflies filled my stomach remembering Andy and (f/n) taking a picture together. I walked around the store and someone tapped my shoulder making me jump.

"Sorry if I scared you. Need any help?" He asked as I turned around to see his face. He had dark brown hair put into a long fringe. His light blue eyes looked lifeless. His skin showed he didn't like the sun. He wore a dark blue long sleeve sweatshirt with the American flag painted in only white designed into it. He was pretty good looking.

"Uhh... No. No I'm fine, I'm just looking around." I said almost forgetting what he asked.

"Haha, alright. Ask me anything you'll like to know if you need help. My name is Brandon." He smiled and I return a real one back to him. He turned around and I was left alone all of a sudden.

"Hey, Brandon?!" I yelled out and he looked back walking towards me. "What shirt would you prefer me wearing?" I asked as I looked at all the merch and looked to the back of me to see other shirts. He smiled and hummed thinking.

"Oh! I got it." He said running to the back of the store. I waited until he came and my phone buzzed.

I groaned thinking my mom texted me so we can leave but, it was Andy. I smiled as his name flashed through the screen. Brandon came back and I put it back in my pocket not even reading it.

"Ooo~. You got a boyfriend? I saw you smiled at your phone." He joked and I rolled my eyes playful seeing the shirt. It was a a black tee with words that said 'music is my escape' with a rewind, forward, skip, pause, and, play sign on it.

"Thank you Brandon." I smiled grabbing the shirt and walking to the cashier with him.

"You're welcome, beautiful." He said scanning the shirt. My phone rang once I felt a blush cover my cheeks. It was Andy calling. I tapped the back of the phone and Brandon gave me a confused face. Before I could answer the call ended and I shurged it off deciding to call when I'm out the store. Brandon didn't say how much it cost but he gave me the bag anyways.

"Cmon man, I need to pay." I said getting my purse out and he shook his head.

"Its okay. Next time you come, pay. My treat." He smiled. I gave him a hug across the counter and he hugged back.

"My name is (y/n) by the way!" I yelled walking out.

The unread message from Andy was his good afternoon message. I grabbed my phone and called back Andy. "Honey! Why didn't you answer?" He asked worried in his voice.

"Ha, its fine Andy. I was shopping and couldn't answer, I'm sorry, babe." I said laughing a bit. Andy loves when I call him babe but its rare when I call him that.

From far away I saw my mom walking so I told Andy, "I got to go, bye." And ended the call fast.

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