"I bet you will"

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High school au!
I got this idea from someone who made a one-shot topics books, but I don't remember the user name.
And I want it do be known, I redownloaded texting story for this one-shot. It took me 20 minutes to figure it out cause it's completely different from what it used to be, and it low key brought back so many memories that I stored away.
Tws: cussing, cross dressing
Word count:1360 ***UNEDITED***

Virgil was laid out on Patton's bed. It was a sunday evening and both boys were bored.

"Hey, Virge?" Patton broke the silence, "Wanna make a bet?" Virgil sat up intrigued, he nodded. "I bet that you can't pull Roman!" Patton laughed.

Virgil stared at Patton. "Of course I can pull princey. He's not even that cute." Patton laughed again at his friend. "What?"

"Not that cute? 'Oh Patton! Roman's so cute! Patt how can someone be so cute? I just wanna talk to him. He'll never like me.' Does that sound familiar?" Patton mocked Virgil. Virgil glared at Patton. "Sorry, kiddo, I'm just teasing. But you'll do it?"

Virgil nodded with a sigh, "Yeah, I'll do it. I'll text him right now." Patton cheered and watched Virgil type out something on his phone.

a/n: please read these in the order they're labeled

Patton squealed loudly, "Ah! Yay! A start!" Virgil rolled his eyes

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Patton squealed loudly, "Ah! Yay! A start!" Virgil rolled his eyes. "Should you say something more?"

Virgil shook his head, "Nah, you'll him thinking about me."

The next day at school, Virgil was walking through the hall to class when he grabbed and pulled into a janitors closets.

He panicked until he seen Roman's face. "Shit, princey, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? Virgil you can't text me you think I'm cute then never answer any more of my texts! I've been spamming your phone!" Roman expressed. Virgil started laughing. "Why on earth are you laughing?"

"Nothing, you're just hot when you're mad at me." Roman blushed and sputtered some. "What's a matter, princey? Can't handle a lil flirting?" Virgil teased.

Roman grumbled, "Shut up, Virgil." Virgil giggled some and laid his hands on Roman's chest. "What are you doing?"

Virgil gave Roman a cheeky smile, "I think," He started, running his hands up Roman's chest so he could lay them on his shoulders. "You should take me on a date."

Roman blushed even darker. This was a completely new side to Virgil, he'd seen before. He kinda liked Virgil being confident. He finally nodded, "Yeah, alright," He said, "I'll take you out, doll, seeing as you're so desperate for me to." Roman finally gained some confidence and flirted back at Virgil.

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