School camping

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Just some fluff
High school au
Tws: cussing, unwanted flirting, sexual innuendos, homophobia, bullying(?)
Word count: 2519 ***UNEDITED***

Virgil sighed heavily. It was stupid, he thought it was so so stupid. He's in high school! Why on earth was he on a field trip? And camping really?

It wasn't an optional thing either, it was a mandatory trip from the school. Because of that, here he was at 6 o'clock in the morning standing in front of his school waiting for the bus.

He didn't have many friends, only Patton, but Patton was friends with everyone. Patton wasn't with him, he was with his other popular friends and Virgil didn't dare walk over to them.

He stood there, alone, until he heard his name get called. He looked around and finally seen Patton waving his arms in the air frantically. He sighed again and walked over to his bubbly friend, who had a bright smile on his face and put his arms down.

"What, Patt?" He asked when he reached him, he looked at the ground, refusing to look at the kids who ran the school.

Patton laughed some and grabbed Virgil's hand. "You shouldn't be all alone! I'm your friend and as your friend you're staying with me!" Virgil looked at Patton, a light pink flush of embarrassment was spread across his cheeks.

"Patt," He whined quietly. Patton laughed at him and tugged him towards the group he was standing with. Virgil didn't look at anyone, his eyes focused on the ground. "I was fine alone, you don't need to pity me."

Patton face soften, "Virge," He began, "I'm not pitying you, you're my friend. And because you're my friend, I want to hang out with you." Virgil shuffled his feet and finally looked around at the faces staring at him and Patton.

His eyes landed on Bradley Hicks, he was on the football team. From what Virgil seen and heard, he was a nice guy. Brad was medium height, he had short black hair and slightly tanned skin. Beside him, was his girlfriend Evelyn Kelly, she was the captain of the cheer team and was a complete sweetheart. She was super pretty but always made a point to tell other girls how pretty they are. She had long, curly, red hair that went to her waist, she was covered in freckles and was slightly
shorter than Brad.

Next to Evelyn, was Mia Logan. Virgil didn't like her. She was, to put it simply, a bitch. She was on the cheer team too but she made it her whole personality. She thought she was better than everyone else. She has long brown hair, passing just by her shoulders, she was pretty, and had tanned skin. Beside her was Todd Nickels. He was a known for being a bully and loved picking on anyone not on the football team. He was tall, brown hair, and pale skin.

Finally Virgil's eyes landed on the last guy. His breath caught in his throat as he met the guys eyes. It was Roman Winston, he was the quarterback on the football team, and probably the most popular guy in school. He was very attractive, Virgil knew it, Roman knew it, everyone knew it. Virgil didn't know much about him other than he was a known flirt, Virgil had only spoke to him a few times. The conversations were short and boring. Roman was tall, he had brown hair that had a slight wave to it, he was hispanic so his skin was beautifully tanned.

Roman cocked a smirk and winked at Virgil, Virgil blushed red and looked away quickly. "Guys, this is Virgil!" Patton announced, "He's my friend so be nice to him. He's gunna hang out with us!" Virgil grumbled embarrassed at Patton.

Evelyn was the first to speak up, "You're so cute!" She gushed, "Your eyes are so so pretty! And your hair!" Virgil pulled on his jacket as he mumbled a thank you.

Virgil was short. He had black hair that was wavy and came down to the base of his neck, it framed his face with curtain bangs. He had very pale skin with freckles decorating his cheeks and nose. He had bright blue eyes and long eye lashes. He was small in frame, not that you could tell, all he wore was baggy clothes.

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