Cheer for me

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High school au! Football player! Roman Cheerleader! Virgil
Tws: flirty/prevy Roman, cussing, cross dressing Virgil
This is american football cause I'm american
Word count:1005

This was it. Game day.

It was Roman's senior year and he was quarterback on his football team. Today was the last game of the session.

At their school there was a tradition that happened yearly. Every year the football players would give their away game jersey to a cheerleader and the cheerleader would wear it over their uniform.

Roman knew who he wanted to give his jersey too. Virgil Quinn was a feminine male cheerleader, and Roman, who was openly gay, has been chasing after him since freshman year.

Virgil was the only male cheerleader that wore the female uniform, and Roman was the first to say he looked good. Virgil was small in stature and had a slim figure. He was pretty in the face and to Roman the prettiest eyes and softest hair, but he was biased.

Roman only really seen Virgil at practice, they lived close to each other but they weren't really friends. It was more of a one sided thing with Roman flirting with Virgil every chance he got.

They had last period with each other but sat on opposite sides of the room.

And that's where they are currently, Roman impatiently waiting for class to be over. He was bored, it's hard to be entertained during a math class.

But soon the teacher ended lesson early and allowed the students to congregate.

Roman moved after a few minutes and sat down beside his and Virgil's shared friend, Patton. Patton was also on the cheer team, and friends with everyone.

"Hi, Ro! Are you excited for tonight! I am! I'm so excited!" Patton spoke quickly and with a bright smile. Roman chuckled and nodded. "I know Virge is excited! He doesn't wanna wear a jersey though,"

Roman looked over to the pretty boy across from him. A fond smile made its way to his face, "Really? You won't wear a jersey, pretty?" Virgil rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"No, Roman. I don't know any of the players good enough, or like the players that I do know." Virgil said before brushing his bangs out of his face.

"C'mon, baby, you can wear mine. You'll so pretty cheering for me." Roman didn't miss the way Virgil's cheeks lit up in a pink blush.

Virgil shook his head again, "I don't want your smelly jersey, Ro." Virgil eyes widen as Roman's smile grew. "-man. Roman."

Roman chuckled, "You can call me Ro, babe. It sounds pretty coming from you." Virgil looked away from Roman. "If you change your mind, Virgil, find me in the field house. I'll give you my jersey there. And it's clean, I promise." Roman stood up from his chair as the bell rung. "Maybe after the game, I'll give you my hoodie to wear."

Virgil sighed as he watched Roman walk away. As soon as Roman was out of ear shot, Patton started squealing.

"You have to wear his jersey!" He said loudly as him and Virgil left the classroom.

"I can't, Patt, he'll find out." Virgil muttered.

Patton face soften, "Kiddo," He said, placing his hand on his arm, "Roman clearly likes you too. He wouldn't flirt with you every time he sees you if he didn't." Virgil shrugged some and looked down.

"But what if he doesn't mean it?" He asked softly.

"You'll never know unless you leap." And with that Patton split up from Virgil to go meet with Logan.

Virgil made his way slowly to the football field. He looked at the other cheerleaders wearing jerseys, he didn't want to stand out without a jersey but he was embarrassed to go ask Roman. He grabbed his bag and went to the bathrooms near the field to change.

He ran his fingers through his as he looked back to the field house. He sighed and shuffled his way over to the doors. They opened before he could push them. One of the players jumped back in surprise.

"Shit!" He called out, gripping his chest. "Shit, Virgil, you scared the hell out of me.".

Virgil gave a light hearted laugh, "Sorry, is Roman in there?" The other player nodded and held the door open for him.

He made his way into the field house, wrinkling his nose at the smell. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on Roman talking to the coach.

The coach noticed him first and greeted him with a smile. "Evening, Virgil," Roman turned around quickly, a grin formed on his face.

He tugged Virgil over to his locker and dug through it before pulling out his jersey. "I'm so glad you changed your mind, baby. You're gunna look so pretty."

Virgil rolled his eyes fondly, slipping the jersey on. "Live up to your expectations?"

Roman stared at him, wide eyed. "Fuck," He breathed out, "You're so fucking pretty." Virgil scoffed as Roman gawked at him.

"Stop it, Princey." He scolded. When Roman didn't stop his gawking, Virgil turned the coach.

"If I hit him with that helmet, is that like suspension or just frowned upon?"

The coach laughed shook his head. He left walked away from the two muttering something about young love.

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil. "If you were the one to hit me, I'd have no problem with it."

Virgil grimaced, "You're gross."

"How is that gross!?" Roman asked.

Virgil rolled his eyes and pushed himself out of Roman's arms. "I'll see you after the game, Princey. Win for me."

Roman grinned and nodded, "Cheer for me, baby."

Virgil ran up to Roman after the game. He jumped into Roman's arms, Roman spun him around.

"You did it!" Virgil cheered. Roman held him in his arms, never letting him go.

"Because you cheered for me."

Virgil cupped Roman's face and pulled him into a kiss. Maybe he'll regret this decision tomorrow morning or even later tonight.

But right now, nothing else mattered to him or to Roman. They were the only things that mattered. Just them, on the football field, under the lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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